Chapter 2

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"Fuck you Louis!" I heard Zayn yell from the front of the tour bus. I just groaned and turned over in bed.

"Nialler, c'mon. We have to get ready for a show." Harry says from the hallway beside me. I turn to face him and sigh loudly.

"Stop being a depressed little leprechaun. It's bumming everybody else out too." he says. "Well except Louis."

"Harry, I don't feel okay." I lie. I don't want to get out of bed. I'm literally dead right now.

"Niall, we both know you're a terrible liar."

"Harryyyyyy." The Irish in my voice ringing off the walls.

"Think about all the fans you'll let down, eh? All the dirty minded teenage girls that came here to throw they're bras and tampons at you onstage. All the 8 year olds that can only dream of marrying somebody that's 12 years older than them someday. All the-"

"I get it, I get it. When do we leave?" I say cutting him off. My head hurts and his rambling doesn't help. Yet he's right, I can't let my fans down.

"30 minutes."

"What?! You shitdick, ya couldn't of gave me this speech 45 minutes ago?"

He just shrugs and leaves back into the makeshift living room.

I roll myself out of my bunk but don't stop and land on the hardwood floor with a thump.



"Hello Denver!!!" Harry screamed into the mic. We'd just popped out on stage and I was yet again amazed by the American crowd. It was our second show in the USA, and our third tour.

"How are you all today?" Liam asks, getting a mumble of shouts back.

"Well before we start, we have a special contest for you guys!" Louis says. What? I didn't know anything about a contest.

The crowd of girls gets even louder. Damn, these girls would do anything to get their hands on us. But I guess I understand, I once too went crazy over Justin Bieber as a youngling.

"Okay so we want to see our beautiful fan's faces..." Zayn starts off. So everybody knows about this 'contest' but me?

I guess you miss a lot when you lay around in bed moping all day.

"So, we want you guys to send in videos of showing us how much of a fan you are." Liam finishes.

"Make a video of on how to do one direction nails,"

"A video of your poster collection,"

"Dancing to our songs."

"Just be yourself and do what you want to do. The most creative ones will win. And please don't be too creative..."Liam says awkwardly, shuffling his feet and looking at the ground.

"Yes please I don't want to be watching porn!" Louis screams into the mic. Sometimes I wonder if Louis ever grew away from fetus Louis...

"There will be 5 winners," Harry continues, ignoring Louis' remark. "And each of the winners will win a date with the guy of your choice."

My jaw dropped. What?!

How could they and management just plan this without asking for my opinion? I thought the prize would just be a signed cd and poster, "I love you babe", and hug.

Damn I sound like a bitch.

But management knows that I'm not even over the breakup I don't know why they would do this. I need to have a word with Steve, our manager.

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