Chapter 4

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"This one's good." Liam says at the laptop in front of us displaying a girl playing the piano to 'Little Things'. She's okay not amazing though.

"Yeah, what's her name?" Louis asks.

"Britany Green." Zayn says looking at one of the billions of sheets of paper in front of us.

"She's definitely going to win a date." Harry says, and writes down the name onto a piece of paper.

I let out a sigh. "Guys, this is only the 6th tape we've watched out of a billion, we can't just decide that quickly." I say.

Liam looks at me and then the other guys. "Nialler's right."

"Well I don't want to go through a billion tapes." Louis huffs in that high pitched voice of his. Can't he just corporate? I am.

"Louis you can't just do that. The videos are only a max of 2 minutes long each and you guys are exaggerating by saying there's a billion tapes. We can be done by tomorrow if we just keep going." Liam scolds.

"Fine, but if I go to sleep, don't bother to wake me up."

Harry smirks sarcastically. "We won't!"

Everybody's in some type of mood today.

After watching literally 9 hour's worth of fans doing stupid, crazy, smart, creative, and naughty one direction related things, we decide to take a break.

"What do you want to do now?" Zayn asks us. We are all on the tour bus in the make shift living room sprawled out among the couch.

"I want to go eat." Harry whines.

"Let's just go get some starbucks. We need some coffee to keep us energized anyways because we still have so many tapes to watch." Liam says. We nod in agreement and make our way off the bus and to the nearest Starbucks.

"Is that the last video?" Please let that be the last video." I plead. It has now been 27 hours of watching videos and I am so tired.

Harry nods and I let out a huge sigh of relief. "Thank god. I'm gonna go get some sleep. Night guys." I say even though am well aware that its 3 in the afternoon.

"Yeah we don't have a show tonight so sleep all you want." Liam says as he gets up and climbs onto his bunk as well. Louis and Zayn are already passed out on the couch and Harry is barely awake and trying to watch Keeping up with the Kardashians on the TV.

"Okay thanks Liam. Night Harry!"

Harry jolts awake at the mention of his name but quickly falls back asleep.

I lay in my bunk for 15 minutes before I realize that I can't force my sleep. Twitter it is.

@Niall_Official: Haven't tweeted in a while, how's everybody doing? (:

I get thousands of replies in seconds. I've always wondered how they know that I'm going to tweet and reply so fast.

I post a picture of the crowd at Dallas, the stadium that we played two days ago, and caption it Amazing audience, I don't think Nashville can beat that with the smirking emoji.

@ARIANAxIGGY: @Niall_Official did you see my tape? I think you should pick me.

@spongebobs_dik: @Niall_Official I wish I could come...

@directionarmy: @Niall_Official put a dildo on your forehead and fuck me in the ass like a unicorn.

@micheals_hair: @Niall_Official what happened between you and @Milee_Blevins?

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