Chapter 3

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I drag my sleepy body out of bed as I hear Isis yelling my name, and I quote, "To get my lazy ass up."

This is unfair. Having been wakening up at 8 in the morning must be a crime.

After I rinse my body and hair, I step out with a towel around my body when my eye catches my reflection in the mirror.

I look into my dull brown eyes, scanning my body up and down. My hair's gotten longer. I make a mental note in my head to get it cut soon.

My jawline is tighter. I don't know how that happened but I guess it looks better.

My gotten much skinnier, I can tell. Grandmother also told me that the other day but I didn't think much of it. Now I see that I really need to gain at least 10 pounds or else I'll look as if I'm anorexic. And I'm totally fine with not exercising for the next week and eating a bunch of junk food. It's not like I don't do that already.

I've changed. It's a good change. It's like I'm moving on. Growing up.

I take one last look at myself before turning to head out of the bathroom.

I settle on some light wash, lightly distressed jean shorts, a daisy crop top, and some maroon Vans. Mostly since a lot of my other clothes are already downstairs in boxes.

I oddly remember that these are the Vans that Sean was wearing the day I met him on the plane.

He smiled at me and I smiled back. He was wearing a white tee with some graphic details on it, dark wash skinny jeans, and maroon Vans. I liked his Vans, I had the same pair. He was extremely attractive. He also had a pair of gray-ish green eyes that were boring into my lame brown pair.

I snapped myself out of my daze and blinked a couple times.

"Thank you." I said and shoved my hands into my pockets.

"No problem. Hi, I'm Sean." He says, holding his hand out for me to shake.

"Hi I'm Milee, nice to meet you Sean." I shake his hand and instantly felt that he was very muscular.

A voice on the intercom comes on and it's telling the passengers to sit down and fasten our seat belts as we prepare for take-off.

"Well Milee I hope we can talk sometime again soon." He said as he was starting to make his way back to his seat.

"Wait, Sean." I pull out my phone from my pocket and give it to him. "At least put your number in my phone."

"Sure. Here, you do the same." He handed me his phone and I put my name in his contacts. We gave each other our phones back and say goodbyes as I make my way back to my seat.

Was it bad of me to tell Sean I don't want to be his friend anymore? I didn't realize how harsh it sounds until just now.

I shouldn't have done that. I was just so caught up in having new friends that I didn't realize Sean could be my friend. I mean when I first met him, I definitely saw him as more than a friend but then I met Niall and that happened. I still keep in contact with the other boys, though. Especially since Zaysis is still going strong. They get really annoying at times.

I put my clothes on, swipe some chapstick on my lips, brush my hair and I'm out the door.

As soon as I hop off of the last step, I absorb the amazing aroma coming from the kitchen. Pancakes, YASSSSS.

"Morning, Milee." I turn around to see our new butler, Gabe standing by the stove cooking food.

Yeah, you're probably wandering: What happened to Gwen?

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