Sam I am your father

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"Hello Sam" said my dead father as I stood paralyzed.

" Who are you my fathers dead" I said as fear start to overwhelm me.

"I assure you sweetie I'm your actual father and no I am not dead you just haven't been seeing me like this maybe when I'm doing my job you do" he said did he really just say he wasn't there for me.

"Where have you been you left me thinking my father was gone for 9 years and now you show up at my door step it doesn't work like that" I said angry building.

"Sam if you give me a second to explain myself I'm sure you'll see I have good reasoning can I come in" he said gesturing inside.

"No you may not now goodbye" I said slamming the door."Now where were we" I said pulling Jack closer to me. As I leaned in to kiss him he moved away his face.

"Sorry I'm just not in the mood anymore" he said while walking upstairs I stopped him midway.

"Not in the mood what the hell is your problem one minute your all over me then the next you can't stand to look at me" I said in a bitchy tone what? could you blame me some random ass person saying his my daddy just walked on my ex-boyfriends door who I can't even call an ex cause to him I was just a fuck buddy and besides I just found out my step father could be my mothers killer yeah till death do us part came a little to soon.

"I'm in the same boat as you but I wouldn't have reacted the way you just did if my so called father who looked a lot like me walked and knocked upon my door I would hear him out cause he's my father at least hear the guy out he could be your father" he told me where does he even get the fucking right maybe he should stick to backing me up against the fucking wall.

"Ugh you want me to hear the guy out fine just cause I don't wanna hear you shit anymore" I walk a to the door and opened it to my surprise the hadn't more at all he was in the same spot I left him.

"Can I come in now" he said.

"Yeah sure whatever but make this quick I've got things I gotta do" I say even though I have nothing planed today but watching me on that talk show which aired at around 4.

He took a seat on the comforter as sat a crossed from him on the love seat and Jack next to me. "Hi Sam you've certainly grown up quietly beautifully I'm pretty you get that from your mother you more then likely got my angry issues" he said wide eyed.

"My mother had angry issues too and stop talking to me like your my father that hasn't been proven yet" I said kind of irritated like does he get the right to fake being a died person that's just wrong.

"OK you don't believe me on your fourth birthday I bought you to what became your favorite place, Fridays, you ordered the chicken tenders with the French fries and you would dip both your French fries and your chicken tenders in a sauce you made yourself by mixing ketchup and honey mustard and before you even touched your food you asked if me or your mother wanted some. On your fifth birthday you wanted a phoney/princess birthday party it took me two years to pay back the loan but the joy on your face that day was more than enough I mean you had a horse with the horn sticking out; of course your mother hated all the money being spent but I didn't care as long as my baby girl was happy I even brought you a princess Mulan doll and told you to stay brave and fight for what you believe in. I brought the sleeping beauty dress and told you your even beautiful when you sleep. I brought you the Cinderella glass slippers and told you kindness pays off. I let you dye your hair red to signify that you could do anything a long as you believe. I brought you the princess Jasmine outfit to let you know how much money he has or his social status doesn't matter just make sure you love him and that he's always here for you. I give you the snow white sheets and told you even through all the hate you'll still make it through. I brought you the beauty and the beast princess favorite book and told you keep reading and your brain will be as big as hers. Still don't believe me fine I'll leave" he said and I could remember my father saying ever last word.

"Why'd you leave" I blurted out.

"Cause I had to go into hiding to keep you guys safe my line of work is dangerous."

"And what may that be" I ask.

"Your mother and I are international spies." I couldn't contain it anymore Jack and I blurted out laughing.

"Jackson Andrew Harris born in Miami, Florida moved here when he was three cause of a job offer for his father where he went is top secret had to move in with his mother and her new mate and there two kids. Twin sister named Isabelle Cher Harris both born April 21st 1998. Joined the black bandits when he had to move out of his mothers house at the age of twelve for money."

"How do you know that" Jack said angrier in his voice. Wow his life story is really sad.

"CIA knows ever thing now Sam we really have to get going if you wanna see your mother alive."

"Are you saying that my mothers alive?" I questioned to own sanity of my father but curiosity is a little bitch.

"Yes but not for long if you don't get moving put on your white rose outfit and lets go."

"I'm coming too" said Jack.

The White Rose (1st book in trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now