Where Were You

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When I got home Chris was outside my house looking worried.

"Where have you been I came by here just to have your dad tell me you weren't home I got worried thinking what could of happened to you babe" he said I could tell he was worried but I didn't care.

"Shouldn't you be calling Nicole babe since your still into her."

"What are you talking about Sam I only have eyes for you I can't look at another girl without thinking of you, your the only thing in my mind I can be in math and still be thinking of you I only want you do you not understand that; Sam Nicole is my ex we used to date but not anymore she never got over me I know but I don't care I want you, me and Nicole had a huge fight about this today then after 1st period she acted like nothing happened."

"After 1st period she talked to me in 1st period."

"What she say Sam." I put my head down I didn't want to say it cause I was afraid he might of said it.


"She said you never got over her and you want to be with her not me."

"And you believed her babe your the most important thing in my life and you believe my ex girlfriend that NEVER got over me and you hate her like seriously I thought you trusted and loved me too."

"I do but when she showed me that recording I just really can't believe you actually said that."

"Good cause I never said that."Is he really lying right now I heard him say it with my own ears so he can't possible lie to me right now come on.

"Chris you didn't say that you ever got over Nicole not even when you guys broke up."

"NO I'd never missed that crazy bitch I broke up with her so why would I."

"Wait what."

"I broke up with her not the other way around I know that everyone thinks thats how it happened but I let her tell people that because she didn't want to loss her school credit so I said sure but I didn't mind cause most girls came up to me and gave me hugs and kisses and let me sleep on their breast and tryed to have sex with me and tryed to make me notice them so I didn't mind." I pushed him playful and his snapback fell off so I took his glasses and put them on, when he finished recovering his snapback he saw me and bit his lip and he looked away when he noticed me staring at him and smiled which exposed his dimples which were so cute and it made me smile even harder.

"Stop your gonna make me blush."

"I'm sorry but your so cute when you smile and your dimples come out."

"Whatever your cuter."

"How am I cuter."

"See there are the little things you do when your with me."

"And what are they."

"Your smile is the cutest thing I have ever seen, your laugh is so cute, when you blush your whole face turns red and you start smile and its cute and also when you walk in front of me you make sure your hips move a little more for me to notice cause you know im watching."

I push him again making his snapback fall off he looked at me "that's the second time do it again and see what happens."

I waited till he put the snapback back on then took it from him and ran. He cought me in like two seconds after all he is a track star. He picked me up and I never notice how his brown hair went down when it was inside of his snapback usally it looked like Justin Bieber hair but right now it looked like Liam Hemsworth hair but he was still super cute and his outfit was looking good today he was wearing a white and red jackets with a C on it, a white swag shirt with red words, red joggers, white vans and a red snapback with the words swag on it.

We were matching I was wearing a white shirt that said geek on it, a red skirt, red and white vans and michael kors red and white bag.

"Why did you take my snapback babe."

"So you would pick me up." I say kissing his cheek and he blushes.

"Babe you should just asked and I would pick you up."

"Did Nicole ask?"

"What does it matter babe."

"Just answer."


"Then I'm not asking if you can pick me up sorry and you never told me what your fight was about today with her."

"About you she didn't like me being with you so I made up this whole thing about what she wanted me to say like I miss her, I never got over her, I wish I was going out with her not you and whats funny is she took out her phone like she wasn't even listening which pissed me off cause I was doing it for her."

"Babe she was listening that's what she showed me and I believed her I should of known you wouldn't do that to me I'm sorry babe and forget about her you have me now."

"Yeah I do and it's better now cause I have you." He said kissing me. "I wanna do something that I have never done with any of my other girlfriends I want to show you the crew" he continued.

"THE CREW like your dance crew that makes me more nervous than meeting your parents."

"Don't worry they will like you I do, you can do this Sam I believe in you."

"OK when."

"Friday night."

"That's three days from now but I can work with that."

A/N hi I love doing this story and I hope you like it too

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