Stay Away Or Else

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A/N I have to do this part through Chris eyes for you to understand it lol so you might have Chris point of view no and then k. And reading that scene I advise you to read it while listening to strong by One Direction makes it feel more real.

I walked home all happy I finnally had got closer to my life long crush and I was happy about what she said and she kissed me you might not know how that feels to know that she had feelings for ME of all people. Like this was Samantha Arianna Playpin we were talking about she had long brown hair curly and her body was amazing but then again what more can you except from the head cheerleader.

"Hey Chris." I turn around and see Ethan standing there with his pack of football jerks and may I add that I could beat all their asses in football come on now.

"What do you want Ethan are you here to take my lunch money like in middle school or do you still need me as your punching bag."

"Funny geeks got jokes." his gang laughs with him almost in unison.

"No I think I'm here to tell you to stay away from Sam see there is a fine line you must never cross."

"And what line is that ."

"Between Geek and Head Cheerleader its normal for Football Players to do it but geeks come on."

"Good thing I'm not a geek right or at least she didn't say that when she kissed me and what if I don't want to leave her alone."

"Then you will have bigger things to worry about then me dude I'm trying to help you here by doing this if you don't take my deal you might end up hurt and I dont wanna see you hurt your my old pal."

"Why would you help me you don't like me."

"Did you not hear the part about old pals plus I'm doing you a favor so take it plus if you don't I'm going to have to beat your ass so I advise you to take it."

"Sorry but no deal I rather take my chances plus you couldn't beat my ass if you tryed."

"Well I'm sorry I didn't want to do this but you leave me no choice." He tryed to swing at me but I cought his arm.

"You shouldn't have done that."

I took his arm and twisted it and pushed him up aginst a fence while he called helplessly for his back up, they grabed me by my arms and hold me there while there boss punches me in the face and kick me in the ribs at one point I felt my lip brust and I couldn't take it any more I tought of the song strong by one direction for motivation as it actually says what im feeling inside and I pulled my hands out of their hands and I left their mouths in O shaped I punched the 1st one in the face and his head snaped back when it jerked back he had a broken nose and the other one steped backed in fear

"Geeks aren't suppose to know how to do that."

"Like I said I'm not a" The other one ran away in fear.

"Lets see one little piggy got a nose bleed another ran away in fear and there left one who now I think peed himself."

"Tell who ever your working for that me and Sam like each other and there is nothing you can do about it as for you I'm going to leave you here to think about what you have done." And then I left him there to think about what he just started to do. As the song said when I'm not with her I'm weaker is it so wrong that she makes me strong. As I made the long journey home which wasn't usally that long but this night those words kept repeating in my mind is it wrong that she makes me strong. when I finnally got home I relize that my iphone died and that Sam texted me 'hi' so I had to write back I didn't go through all this not to text back to a hi I just wish I know what those guys have in store for me then I won't have to worry so much about Sam.

I got a text message from her as soon as I thought of her 'have a nice walk anything happen' I couldn't worry her 'it was good nothing happened'. And this is why I didn't get any sleep until 5 am.

So you understand why I yelled at you Liam I didn't get any sleep I'm sorry little guy.

Liam is my younger brother and he was on the break of tears when I yelled at him this morning and I didn't want the 1st thing I did today be making a six year old cry so I told him the story and how he shouldn't have woke me up this morning you might not understand why I told all this to a six year old but he understood all of it even better then you did maybe.

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