jeongin's angry eyes turned into curious ones as he paid attention to what he had to say,

"i was naive, i didn't know what i was doing but they told me that i can get power and riches by helping them. i was a pawn in their game, a puppet on string and its all because of yongbok."

"what did he do?"

"he was the one that made sure that i do what they want me to do. he made me believe that he liked me, that we could rule the kingdom as a couple and wreck havoc to whoever we please and to whomever dare crossed our path. he made me feel loved and made me feel less of a loser."

"what happened next?"

"i met the alliance's leader, jaebum." changbin replied, "he told me yongbok and seungmin used to be one of them but they got ahead of themselves and that i was being used, that i was nothing more than an idiot bewitched by the power of evil and that i have nothing to gain if i continue on the path i took."

"what did you do?"

"i punched him in the face and told him to mind his fucking business."

jeongin giggled at that and a small smile appeared on changbin's face, "but then again, i started thinking about the words he told me. then i realized that he was right so i told yongbok and seungmin about it and they threatened me. seungmin told me he would burn me alive a-and i expected yongbok to stand up for me but he didn't."

"just fucking do your job or seungmin won't have a fucking body to burn when i'm done with you." yongbok snarled at him as he held a blade dangerously close to changbin's neck.

changbin gulped, feeling betrayed that he let this happen to him, he felt played and used.

he nodded hurriedly and the two thieves let him go.

"i met up with jaebum again and told him what happened, and then we devised a plan and the alliance cornered us at jagged path and that was when i switched sides."

"i double crossed them."

a ring of fire surrounded the three- a shield that seungmin conjured up to prevent the alliance from taking a step closer.

"just surrender yourselves!" jaebum snapped as seungmin laughed at him.

"and why would we do that?" yongbok spat as he threw a dagger at the direction of jaebum, who dodged it.

"we all know you won't make it out of here alive if you do this."

"you would be the ones that won't make it alive, not us." seungmin snapped as he directed the fire towards the seven boys.

changbin shared a look with jaebum, who nodded, and that was when he took action.

"i slashed seungmin right across the face to stop him and yongbok stared at me with disbelief. he tried to go after me but jackson punched him in the face and the two of them fell of the cliff and died."

"died?" jeongin asked confused, "you said seungmin right? well, there was a seungmin in the ranks of the society when we rescued jiminie hyung."

"i know, we thought they died but they are pretty much alive." changbin said and faced him, "we can never be too careful and which is why we have to act fast. we gotta get your act together and we can finally put a stop to this once and for all."

"seungmin now works for the society a-and yongbok... well," changbin contemplated as he bit his lip, hesitant to say anything, "well he's still out there at large and that's very scary to think off. so, i'm asking you prince yang jeongin, for the benefit of everybody. will you help us? will you push aside what you feel for now for the greater good of your kingdom?"

jeongin stared into his eyes and found himself nodding, "y-yes hyung. i will."

this is long overdue i'm sorry >//< i got a bit of writer's block and i was preparing myself for my first day in college tomorrow. kinda nervous but excited to see what it has in store for me.

anyways, i know this chapter SUCKED but i hope it shed some light on jeongin's actions and why he did what he did and hopefully this left a few impressions for you guys to piece together what is happening.

also, this woulda sucked more if it weren't for @PumpkinMotherFucker for helping me along the way so thank u lots bb :))

thank you for reading and hopefully the next chapter would be better !!

- ferds

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