Thor VS Shazam

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Two powers of myth enter the ring an a electrifying fight to the death. Which one of these heroes of lightning, myth and legend will survive this godly battle?


(*Cues: Wiz & Boomstick - Brandon Yates*)

Mario: The eye of the storm. The very core of what causes electrical surge to rain from above. Just imagine one on a divine level.

Sonic: And today these two godly beings who control thunder is going in the ring. Like Thor, the champion of Asgard.

Mega Man: And Shazam, Earth's Mightiest Mortal, their Mario and Sonic and I'm Mega Man.

Mario: And It's our job to analyze their weapons armor and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle.


Mario: This is the Realm Eternal, root of the World Tree, and noblest of the Nine Dimensions, Asgard.

Sonic: What the heck is a World Tree?

Mega Man: Uhh you do realize that a tree is not a world right?

Mario: (facepalms) Shh, shh, shh... Asgard. Since ancient times, this colorful realm has been inhabited by warriors so powerful, many believed them to be immortal deities.

Sonic: Yeah everyone who lives there are all immortal so they can live thousands of years if they want to.

Mega Man: Eh, I don't blame them. Anyways these people are not perfect because they go through a little apocalyptic event where everybody dies. And it always happened every thousand years.

Mario: Then they're born anew with only vague memories of their previous lives. This is the cataclysmic event known as Ragnarök. And Asgard's newest king, the All-Father Odin, was determined to break this cycle.

Sonic: Luckily he became the father of the most greatest warriors of all time.

Mega Man: He was destined for greatness and is the heir to the throne. The Mighty Thor.

Real name: Thor Odinson
Aliases: God of Thunder, Donald Blake
Height: 6'6" | 1.98 m
Weight: 640 lbs | 290 kg
Asgardian Prince
Son of Odin & Gaea
Has 2 pet goats named Toothgnasher & Toothgrinder
Was once turned into a frog

Mario: Thor spent most of his life living among his people and defending his realm from its enemies.

Sonic: Oh yeah and the dude's a pro at it I mean he's their tank and DPS all rolled into one when it comes to raiding other realms, and boy, does he look the part.

Mega Man: This guy is six feet, six inches of pure muscle, and possibly lead, because he somehow weighs 640 pounds.

Mario: Thor was trained by the best in Asgard and has proven his mettle across multiple worlds. He helped found the Avengers, and has defeated everything from giants, to demons, to other gods.

Sonic: I'm so pissed that MCU decided to make him look like an idiot in Endgame when he was awesome prior to that.

Mega Man: Yeah basically they f(beep)ed up Thor right there.

Super Strength
Super Speed
Near Invulnerability
Healing Factor
Earth Manipulation
Warrior's Madness
Can be understood universally

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