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To my beloved Dauntless readers, if there are any, I am terribly sorry to say that I am discontinuing this story because I don't think it's going anywhere near bearable (I trust that you think that way too, if not, take a closer look at the story, lol) or towards any direction, if there was in the first place. I was so young when I made Dauntless and I haven't thought clearly about my characters and the plot, I was just writing what came to mind—it's a huge mess, and editing at this point is hopeless. I think I'm sparing everyone the agony of having to read more of it if I discontinued the story. I might un-publish it but somehow I still look forward to see people's comments on the chapters because I think it's fun and I value opinions, and also because I like to torture myself knowing that I wrote something so painfully cliché and have it out there for people to see and use against my ability to write a story. Kidding

Dauntless will continue to hold a special place in my heart, and of course all of you who fought through thick, confusing chapters of this story. Younger version of myself loved writing Dauntless until I've come to realise the erratic and unnecessary plot twists of this fic.

Anyways, this is the end of Dauntless. Thank you all so much!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2019 ⏰

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