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"Zoe calm down." 

"I can't." 

"Just.. just sit you are making me dizzy." 

"I can't!" I accidentally raised my voice at Gwen after the most shocking phone call she received for this day. "He's here and Peter already saw him, how could I just gather myself in one place looking calm as shit when there's a huge chance of seeing him?" 

Gwen stared at me as if I'm out of my rocker and I cannot blame her. It's been ten minutes since the phone call and it's been ten minutes my feet constantly dragging me around, trying to find things to at least ease what I'm feeling right now. I don't know if I would be excited, angry or what. He left New york without a word with us and that's so typical of him, but he left me without trying to be in good terms with us first.. especially me. There's no doubt that Claire's with him. She's always clinging around and I've been always curious of what things she's said about me to Harry. I know Harry won't believe her, she doesn't know a single speck about me. But now, what I need to feel alright is that I should see him and he should stay away from anyone as possible. Donald obviously has intentions that none of us in this world would understand but I can see that it's darkness and the half of Harry's life is now six feet underneath dirt. 

"He is not hurt, I know for sure." Gwen muttered and I looked at her as if my eyes were saying 'what the hell are you talking about he's not hurt'.

"Of course he is! Both mentally and physically, Gwen!" 

"Then I always wonder why the first thing he always do is to push us- mostly you!" That question never left my mind and although Harry is quite stubborn, we can't just give up on him. He has no one and the last thing we wanted to happen to him is to be all alone until he dies which he wants. "Well you have two months, how would you get him to open up to you?" 

"He already did, somehow." I mumbled. I went to the door to grab my coat before putting it on my body and Gwen was quick to follow my actions. 

"Where are you going?" 

"To Harry, obviously. I am not wasting more time." I breathed out and Gwen didn't reply but followed me outside. 

We were surrounded with silence and anxiousness as we were in the cab on our way to Oscorp. It didn't take that long. Afterwards we stopped in front of the same, never changing tall skyscraper building. Gwen insisted to pay but I was way too nervous to thank her. The guards didn't block our way but they freely greeted us and I don't know if they're new or they just don't remember me trying to force myself in about a month ago. The atmosphere inside was still the same. Gwen walked professionally towards the elevator while I staggered like a pathetic little penguin after her. The awkward elevator voice disturbed me as she tries to advertise something but thankfully we've reached Harry's office floor less than a minute. 

I was about to turn to the corner when I felt a sharp tug on my arm seeing Gwen pulled me towards her. She motioned me to peek over the wall and we both did. Donald was standing outside the office, holding his earpiece and a phone in front of him. We could've just easily sneak all the way there but the problem was, he's right in front of the door and I don't know what's with him always guarding Harry's door. 

"You go get Harry, I'll distract Donald." she whispered cautiously. 

"You don't mind getting sedated?" 

"I used to work here, I know slightly about him." Gwen gave me a nudge as an encouragement. 

"You used to work here?" I ask, dumbfounded by the newfound fact. 

"Yeah yeah, now go, you are wasting a minute!" 

Gwen went first and that quickly caught Donald's attention. Gwen asked him something subtly and I was beyond thankful that he didn't shoot her or anything. I pressed my fingers against my palms, leaving crescent marks for sure. I knock on the door softly and when I heard no reply, I slowly pushed the huge door open, putting one foot in. It was much colder and brighter in his office. The table was neatly organized, the files are nicely stacked- nothing has changed.

Dauntless - Harry OsbornWhere stories live. Discover now