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"Peter you do know Spiderman," I tried to squeeze some answers from Peter.

We're walking around the Central Park, and I feel like shit after I've cried with Harry last night but I don't decided to tell that to Peter. Harry didn't exactly agree, but I knew he was hesitating right now if he should comee to London. I'm going to Oscorp later, just talk to Harry if we're cool. I wish.

Peter sighs for the tenth time, and stopped before he faced me. He stuffed his hands inside the pocket ofh is hoodie and glared at me,

"Zoe, I told you I do only take pictures of Spiderman, Nothing else. He won't be able to remember me."

"Are you sure?" I pouted my bottom lip out.

"Does Harry have something to do with this? Why do you all need Spiderman?" Peter breathed out.

"He's a hero, right? A illegal one."

"Hey, he's a nice guy." he objects. We continued to walk again.

"Then you go approach to him, and get his blood!" I exclaimed.

"That wasn't easy Zoe. I'm going to talk to Harry if he told something to you." Peter glares at me. My anger boiled, and I don't know why am I so mad about this.

"You don't need to see him, swear." I said. Peter stopped walking, and pinched the ridge of his nose. He sighed.

"Zoe. We can't hide secrets from eachother," Peter was cut off when his phone vibrated form his pocket, "Gwen. See you babe! I'll talk to you later."

He started to ran at the opposite direction, when I crinkled my nose.

"Babe?" I yelled to Peter. But he just magically disappears. I rolled my eyes, and kicked the small stone blocking my path.

I guess, Harry was affecitng me few weeks ago. Now, I started to feel hate, and anger towards Peter. I hate him for not trying enough to get Spiderman's blood. I guess that's how desperate I am, I do not want Harry to leave again, or die. No. I stuffed my hands inside my pocket, and swung my legs side by side everytime I walk. I missed working, or should I say training in London. Few more months, or maybe days, or weeks, I'm gone again. I brought my palm up to my warm head, and I felt really not okay. I think its because of the rain, I've been sick for about three days, and I chose to ignore it. And I guess its going worse. My head feels light, my nose was clogged a bit, and I feel heavy. If I'd go back to Oscorp, Harry will think I'm clinging around him. But after days, I wonder what has Donald done.

Donald, that cunt. I saw the building that looks like made of glass, towering me with its tall shadow. I shook my head, and turned left. I was near the water, and I was holding the black rail to avoid people from falling. I tried not to bring back the old memories. Harry Osborn, so damn confusing. The sun strikes on my face, and I squint. There's a mixture of coldness, and the warmth of the sun. But I am cold, so I hugged my jacket closer to me. I was staring at the bright water, that was shining because of the sun. I turned around. I started to go sick, like sick, I wanted to throw up. Why does he hsow up everywhere in such a wrong time? I am not okay today, and he's there. Standing. I wanted to slap him, but I can't. His black leather jacket, and white shirt, some difference. Wearing skinny jeans, and boots.

Dauntless - Harry OsbornDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora