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I feel my own tears dried overnight on my cheeks as I wore Harry's not that much of an oversized shirt. I feel like there's too much dirt on me remembering how foreign Harry's touch was. I know it's not him, he's not in the right mind but I can't bear to accept that kind of reason from him. He forced himself onto me and every single of that I hated.

Thinking about the amount of intimacy we've built between us was insane; I can't even recognize myself moving that way with him. That man drives me crazy and I crave him more when he is.

I groaned and the lanky piece of wood that served as the bathroom door. I groaned even more knowing that I would have to stay in this shirt because I don't have any extra clothes and the water has done its part being shitty and all. I'm kind of relieved and at the same time when I didn't find Harry anywhere. Where could've he gone? I scan the place and realized that besides of the wooden table with uncanny scrapes, there are no more things in here.

Did he just fucking leave me? Although Harry is much of an asshole, he would not do that. But he nearly raped you Zoe, it's not impossible for him to leave you too.

I sighed and marched out of the room and look at either both end of the hallways. There's light peeking through wooden slits and I realized that there are only five rooms. This place doesn't seem to be a literal legit motel; it's more like a set up.

I walk to the reception table and the guy from yesterday wasn't here. The entrance door is open and I feel like breathing freely when I spot Harry's sedan still parked, the only car parked. Where is he?

"Can I help you?" I flinched a little and turn towards the table and saw that guy was now standing there with an arched brow. He still remains unnamed.

"Have you seen my friend?" I asked him and he pondered.

"I don't think so, he left a little while ago, and he didn't tell you?" he asks and I shook my head.

"Where'd he said he'll go?"

"He didn't tell me." He shrugs. I pressed my lips together and awkwardly move my hand from my sides as silence surrounded us. He looks at me and narrowed his eyes. "Are you okay? Were you crying?"

He steps out from behind the table and inspected me curiously while I try to hide my face quickly, shaking my head so vigorously.

"I know the water's shitty, but I got some cloth to wipe it out." The guy says and pulled a white small towel from his pocket and held it in front of me.

Just as I was about to take it, I heard heavy footsteps.

"Zoe, don't!" I hear Harry's voice echoed with so much power from the entrance.

"Why—"before I could question the guy slipped out a gun from his pocket and immediately aimed it at Harry.

I was caught out of breath when the man suffocated me with his arm pressed down hard on my neck while my back is against his stomach. I breathe heavily and forced to open my eyes and saw Harry—thankfully—still alive and standing defensively with his own silver gun.

"Leaving her was a bad idea, Harry." The man's eyes went dark. "Or should I say, Westick?"

"Shut the fuck up whoever you are and release Zoe." Harry threatened him with hooded eyes and pale lips as he point the gun steadily to him. What happened to him? What is happening?

Then all of a sudden, I felt a cold metal dug through my hair and press down directly to my scalp. I let out a surprised squeak and squirmed feeling the man's grip harden. "I could kill her."

"Who told you to do this?"

"Why does that matter?"

"How much would they pay you if you killed her and get me with you, huh little bitch?" Harry's voice was almost wasn't him due to his anger.

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