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This chapter is dedicated to all of you. Thank you for voting and for encouraging this story though I admit this was not my best. I just wanted you to know that I appreciate everything and again, thank you, from the bottom of my villain-loving heart.

The song above I think fits the most for this chapter and I'm addicted to it. I suggest you play it :)


"Shit, I think it's Donald."

Harry lift his gun and stuck it out of the window, shooting a blind aim at the vehicle behind us but it only made a mere damage. I watch him. He fumbled over the glove compartment to get bullets, but a violent gunshot echoed around us as it aimed right at our bumper. Harry had lost his concentration on the road, driving us in a rather vague straight line. The bullets had scattered on the floor and Donald continued to fire us down.

"Hand me the gun, you drive." I yelled above the heavy engine roars. "You'd get us both killed."

"It's me that he wants, not you. Stay put." Harry groans, frustration sweeping out his ruddy lips. His eyes were divided between trying to get us in one piece to New York and re-loading his gun. But to no avail, all the bullets had rolled down underneath my shoes and I frown at the man on the driver's seat.

"For once, can you just not put all the work on yourself? Hand me the damn gun and drive!"

"Do you even know how to use a gun?" Harry's reflex took over and ducked underneath the bullet that fired inches away from the top of his head and hit the rear-view mirror. The shards exploded in front of us, the wind coming from the open window drove the broken glass to our skin and one manage to scratch my cheek.

"I don't know, do you?" I retorted, unbuckling the seat-belt which earned me a petrified stare from Harry.

"What the hell are you doing—"a bullet struck through the car and blasted the center console and Harry's grip had loosened on the steering wheel causing us to drift harshly to the left.

Donald was trailing at us sharply and I took the opportunity of Harry's recovery to grab the gun from his loosened grip and take it to mine. At this point he didn't say anything. I start to collect the bullets and start re-loading the gun though I can't deny, I haven't any experience on interacting with such deadly contraption.

Once it's loaded, it clicked as I sealed the bullets. From the side of my eye, Harry gulped, his eyebrows drawn together in worry.

I peek from the headrest of the car, putting one eye out for Donald who seems to be loading his own gun, losing half of his concentration on the road. I extended my arm out, eyeing him closely despite the car being driven hastily into zigzag by Harry. I press onto the cold trigger and I didn't expect the impact as it fired. My shoulders jut and Harry flinched. When I open both my eyes, I sat in horror. I didn't hit him and now he was aiming at me.

Donald fired again, this time he hit the back of my seat. I felt the wave of the bullet on my back though it didn't go all the way. Heaving clouds of breath left my mouth, Harry kicked on the gas harder to speed us up. I put the gun up and fired, I'm starting to get a little deaf due to the constant noises of the gun shots, in fact I was hearing some rings.

My aim was successful, though not perfect. I hit Donald on his shoulder and his car start to wiggle on both sides of the road while trying to approach to his bleeding shoulder. Donald's car suddenly lashed out of route.

"Zoe, give me the gun." Harry looks over his shoulder. I obeyed him since we've steered Donald out of our tail. I handed the weapon over him, slowing down the car before getting a clear shot. Harry hit Donald's engine, the bullet going through the hood of his black BMW and soon smoke crawled up into the air.

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