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  I feel normal, to say the least- or a bit surprising.

Cool air blowing on my face and I open my eyes with ease to see that I'm in a vehicle, and right beside me is Harry. It didn't take me much of a time to remember every flash of memory before I fade out. That last thing I ever indulged are Harry's arms as his smell surround me for a better comfort. But now, the man that caused me strange relief was right beside me, looking calmly as ever.

"Hey," I murmured, only soft enough for him to hear. He gave me a glance, before clearing his throat.

"How was your nap?" he asked and I furrow my eyebrows but I gave him a small smile.

"I-uh it was nice." I replied. I look towards where we're currently heading to and nothing looked familiar. "where are we going?"

He didn't reply for a while and I wonder if he's actually thinking or he's wandered off somewhere but either way isn't good. His eyes focused on the road with no signs of acknowledgement towards me.

"Away." Harry simply answered as if that made sense.

"Away? Why we can't be at New York?" talking to him with all his own short responses is slowly killing my brain cells. "Where did the bomb go?"

He inhaled as if he's all being eaten by all my questions. He looked through the rearview mirror before increasing the speed.

"I threw it, there's nothing to worry about." Harry reassures, but by how his words came out- I don't trust it .. or him. I kept looking at him but he never paid attention to my face.

"Where are we really going, Harry?" I put a heavier tone and he left me hanging again for another minute.

"I already told you, we're going away."

"Away from who? From what? From where?" I asked in a rushed manner.

"From everyone. From everything- from everywhere where I know people and where people know me, now please shut up and let me drive." Harry said with a raspy voice, not even throwing a glimpse at me.

"Where did the bomb came from?" I ask, fiddling with my cold fingers.

He let out a agitated groan before taking a sharp turn, our bodies swaying along but mostly me. His grip on the wheel was so tight.

"I don't know."

"And how do you that there's a bomb in the flowers, Harry?"

"Because I saw it being put in there."

"Bull shit!" I screamed and he clamped his eyes shut, re-opening then before taking a left turn.

"I wasn't finish." for once, he took his eyes off the road but only to give me a stare as I fidget underneath it. "I saw man, I don't know his face- I didn't see it. I'm on my way to your place when I saw him dressed in all black to buy flowers and right after he turns around, I saw him insert something into the bouquet and I'm sure it's a bomb. He left it in front of your house and suddenly he was gone. I wish I could've done something, Zoe. I wish I could've seen him."

My mouth was parted slightly, hearing a tinge of anger seething through his voice.

"You've done better, you know." I licked my lips, slowly restraining my calming nerves as I shift back to my seat properly.

"I don't know when was the last time I heard that." Harry chuckled sadly. "And it wasn't even from my dad's."

"Where are we going now?"

Dauntless - Harry OsbornWhere stories live. Discover now