Chapter 13: Not Soon Forgotten

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Dedicated to Hazza_Bear_Love for making my current cover.

The first thing I noticed was the noise. There was about fifteen people in front of the sign up area that lay in the middle of the room with a wall to one side and a door on the other. The waiting area was spacious and had chairs scattered throughout the room. At first I couldn't understand what was happening. All I saw where women flapping their arms around with their faces scrunched up with anger. As I got closer one women looked my way and then turned to one of the other women who then looked at me. This happened again and again until I had fifteen pair of eyes looking straight at me. All with the same unreadable look on their faces. One women stepped forward and opened her mouth to say something when another one pulled her back and gave her this look, as if to say no don't say anything.

I can't remember how long I stood their with them watching me, but it was far to long for my taste I started feeling very sick and I could feel the vomit rising. My head moved side to side frantically looking for the restroom and the moment my eyes laid on it I started running towards it. As I slammed the door open I hit a women who was on her way out.


I rushed into a stall and fell onto my knees and the minute I was on the ground it all came out. It was a swirl of blue and green with bits and pieces of food and I don't know what else. The sight of it sent me on another trip of swirls. Until I felt so drained that not the sight or smell could make me puke again. My hand trembled as I reached out to flush the toilet. Their was a swoosh and it started going down with a few drops splattering onto my face and shirt, but I was much to tired to care. Their was the click clack of shoes and soon I could sense a presence behind me.

"So..your here to get an abortion" It wasn't a question but a statement

I slowly turned my head to the voice and saw the women who had almost talked to me earlier. My head moved up and down and I whispered a small yes but I'm not sure she heard it. Never before had I seen such sadness in someone's eyes except when I looked in a mirror. The lady who's name I later learned to be Geia was an activist and she wanted Abortion to be illegal everywhere. Considering our many differences and the many things I did that she didn't approve of many years later I was reunited with her and we became very good friends but that is a story for another time. For now she was just some lady asking me a very personal question. After a while of staring she sighed and then kneeled on the ground next to me. She grabbed my chin with one hand turned it towards her and with the other hand got some toilet paper and started wiping my face with it. My eyes started to water and then I started to cry. She sniffled a bit and

"A young girl like you has no business being in a place like this or doing such a thing to another human being, born or not." As she finished with her statement my crying turned into sobbing and my body shook with such intensity it felt as if someone had been flinging me around in midair.

The words that came out of her mouth next are words I have never forgotten and I'm sure I never will. With her hand still on my chin she spoke.

"All children have a right to a happy childhood but you made a decision and the decision like any has it's consequence." I twisted my head trying to free myself from her, she didn't know anything about me I wasn't some teenager who had unprotected sex with some boy who probably only wanted to be in my pants no I was a teenager who had been betrayed.

"Listen to me girl! Your childhood is over so it's time you grew up and faced your reality instead of running from it. I don't know how you got to this point in your life but I have an idea where it's going if you do what you planned to today. You think you're going to be happy again at ease but doing this will only scar you in such a way that it will constantly follow you throughout life that one day you might end up somewhere worse then where you are now." A few more times I tried to free my face from her grasp but her grip was firm and tight never loosening. I didn't want to hear the truthfulness nor the accusations and I did not want to look her in the eyes. But she stared me down and no matter where I turned my eyes her eyes were waiting for me.

She stood up and then wiped her hand on her pants. Gave me a small smile which was more for her than me and she turned and left as if nothing had ever happened. I stared at her retreating figure with confusion and anger. I didn't have time to think much about it because my phone started ringing. Lately no one had been calling me and if they were it wasn't to report good news so I'm not sure what compelled me to answer it but I did.


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