Chapter 12: The Future

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(All Rights Reserved) Dedicated to BlueAngelDiamond for editing my chapters!

(All Rights Reserved) Dedicated to BlueAngelDiamond for editing my chapters!

I woke up as the sun was coming out. I lifted my arm towards my face to cover my eyes form the light shining in through the window. I felt dizzy and the room was spinning and changing colors. I slowly stood up and started walking towards the door, I stumbled a few times and hit myself with a shelf.

"Damn it"

I finally reached the door and opened it, there was voices coming from the kitchen.

“Where is she? We don’t need her to do any more stupid things”

I couldn’t hear what the other person said as I fell to the floor trying to walk out the room.

Those pills made me really dizzy.

“What was that?”

I pushed myself off the floor but then fell back. Ugh my head was killing me. There were footsteps coming towards me and I really couldn’t care less. Let them get me, who cares.

“Their’s Laina!”

I turned my head over and looked at Daniel and some other person from the pack. The guy was pointing at me as Daniel walked up the steps. His phone started ringing and I dropped my head. Keeping it up took to much effort.

"Hello yes..yes.."

Daniel kept talking and started walking back downstairs.

“Daniel! Their’s Laina! Where are you going? I thought you wanted to put her in The Cabin”

The Cabin is where pack members who had disobeyed the Alpha, betrayed the pack or captured rogues were put. It was out in the forest surrounded by the best and most powerful members of our packs.

Daniel covered the phone with his hand "Shh..This call is important, will worry about her later, I need you to come with me"

"What if she goes somewhere?"

Daniel stared at me and pointed "She's all drugged up, she isn't going anywhere for awhile. Now let's go"

The guy turned to me unsure but then he sighed and walked away with Daniel.

I listened as they left and waited until I was sure they had gone, before I tried to lift myself up. I fell a few times and hit the ground face front but after a while I finally managed to stand up and took a few steps forward. My legs wobbled and I almost fell but I managed to stay up after balancing myself with my arms.

I took small steps and eventually I made it out of the pack house. I looked around and found a car, luckily for me the keys were left in the ignition. Once I was far away from the forest, I got my phone out and looked for a hospital two towns over that practiced abortion. I found one and I set my GPS. If and when they found me it would be too late as the town was nine hours away. Our town consisted mostly of the pack and a few essential shops and schools as well as other basic things a town must have. We were far out into the forest and the pack owned a lot of the land therefore all the other towns were far far away.

I drove and drove, I didn’t stop for anything. Not even when I got hungry or when I first felt like going to the restroom or even when I started getting dizzy again and could barely drive. Even when my eyes were closing and sleep was close to over taking me. Nothing was stopping me, the guilt was there but I kept shoving it down until I could almost pretend like it wasn’t even there in the first place.

Almost but not quite.

How can I make sense of all of this? Maybe everything I know was a lie, maybe wolves natural instincts come out through the human side more than the wolf side? Because why would a human put another through this? Did they really expect me to just sit and let them screw me over?

Rejection(Editing and Adding)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang