Chapter 8: Betrayal

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Nothing could've prepared me for what was going to happen that night. And afterwards there would be no comforting parents,or words it would be like nothing ever happened. Now all my thoughts center on the fact that maybe if I had paid more attention this all could've been avoided, would I have noticed the signs,the strange looks,the separation by the pack to me. It all went deeper than my marriage to Matt. Way deeper and yet I never noticed and in a way everything that has happened to me is partly because of my ignorance.

My mother walked me to the room. The room were the deed would be done,where I would be butchered,where I would lose my innocence,where I would mate with Matt.

My mother and I had always been close but in those last few years we had drifted to far into the sea that now there was no way of getting back.

She didn't say a word to me,not one. She simply walked alongside me and kept to herself. I wanted her to comfort me to be the mother that she used to be but she wouldn't. And I couldn't understand why she was so indifferent,why she wouldn't comfort her only daughter.

We arrived at the room and I waited in front of the door for her to say something, anything before I went inside.But no words were spoken.

I stepped inside the room and close the door behind me. The walls were white and the floor grey. In the middle of the room there was a king sized bed and that was all. The room was empty besides the huge bed.

I walked towards the bed and sat down,then there was knock and in came in Kayla the pack nurse. She brought along a cart with tools lay-ed on top.

"Hello Laina"


She stood there smiling a sad smile.

"So where is Matt,I want to get this over with''

She looked shocked at my words. "Did no one tell you?"

"Did no one tell me what?"

She looked scared and looked around the empty room trying to focus her eyes anywhere but on me.

"Kayla what are you talking about?" My voice was questioning and my fear growing.

She shook her head and then walked out locking the door after her.

I sat there stunned and confuse not sure what was going on but knowing it wasn't good.

The door knob turned and in walked Nick. I was surprised to see him, I hadn't seen him in months and I hadn't realized how much I missed him till now.


My lips quivered and my eyes began to water "Nick"

I stood up and ran into his arms finding the comfort that I so desperately needed. We sat on the bed and talked like before, it was like nothing had ever changed, we were the dynamic duo again,best buds, we talked for about an hour when I finally asked the question I had been waiting to ask from the beginning.

"Why are you here Nick?"

His eyes looked away and he sighed.

"Your not going to mate with Matt"

I let out a sigh of relief.

Was that all?

Was I really not going to have to mate with Matt? This was the best news I heard all day and just when I started to feel happy Nick opened his mouth.

"Kayla will inject you with his umm with his you know" Nick stuttered something he only did when he was nervous or shy about something.

It took me a few minutes to process what he had said.

"Yeah right like my parents or Daniel would allow that"

He sat up and moved me aside. He placed his hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eyes.

I was scared of what I saw there.

The Truth.

I shook my head and laughed. This was a joke, a horrible joke but a joke. No way would Daniel allow his son the alpha to cower and do this, there's no way my parents would allow this.

But my mother had walked me to the room. Surely she must of known and yet she still brought me here. She didn't even say anything to me.

My parents had sold me out.

Daniel had sold me out.

My pack.

I swallowed down the disgust and the hatred I was feeling and looked over at Nick, who was fumbling with his hands not sure of what to do.

"Why are YOU here" I couldn't stop the harshness that my words carried, because Nick new to and he hadn't bothered to tell me beforehand.

"To help and make this better in any way I can"

I laughed "Oh so now that I'm about to be injected and expected to carry your cowardly brothers baby you want to be friends,what about before! What about when Matt left and I needed you, You weren't there you haven't been for a while now so take your stupid comfort or pity or whatever the hell you're pretending at and shove it up your ass and while your at it get the fuck OUT!" I was screaming and crying by the end of my outburst and my body shook with sobs.

Nick just nodded and he looked like he had aged ten years in just those few minutes. "You don't know what I was going through"

"It couldn't possibly be worse than this"

He sighed and walked out and in came Kayla.

I was showered in the room next door and then changed into a hospital gown then Kayla walked be back to the room with the bed.

I laid on the bed while Kayla got everything ready.

She started walking towards me with her cart and she stopped and I noticed the thing in her hand.

The thing that in a few minutes would be going inside me.And on the cart was a jar with a liquid inside. It didn't take me long to figure out what that was.

I stared at it and every second that passed made me more scared by the second.

No way was I letting that thing inside of me.

"Stop Kayla I'm not doing this"

She stopped in her tracks, she was stunned that's for sure.

“I have to their orders, and when you married Matt you knew you would have to mate with him”

"Yeah well i was supposed to mate with a wolf not a needle, so leave I'm not doing it" I could feel my anger rising along with my voice.

But she just kept walking.

"Kayla you better stop right now before I rip your head off" The words were menacing and held a threat, I knew kayla could feel a little of the alpha power stopping her, It was a trait I had picked up in training.

Everybody had betrayed me, well I can betray them to.

The door swung open and Daniel stood at the doorway.

"What is going on here?!"

Kayla cowered and barely managed to whisper “ She doesn’t want to”

Daniel turned his eyes to me “You agreed to the marriage with Matt this is part of the deal”

"No it isn't, I didn't know i would be impregnated like this and if your son can break our deal then so can I"

I stood from the bed and started walking towards the door, I was almost out when I felt Daniel's arm grab me and pull me back.

He shook his head at me with pity and sadness in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, but it's not that simple"

Rejection(Editing and Adding)Where stories live. Discover now