Chapter 4: The Fight, The Lost

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I knew she heard me the moment I saw her eyes change from brown to black.

She shifted into her brown wolf and started to run towards me. She was strong, much stronger than any normal pack member. Of course that was expected she was in the RedNight pack and was the Alpha’s daughter. Even If I was the Beta’s daughter, I had been trained since I was six to become Luna of our pack, SilverMoon. After it was discovered that I was Matthew’s mate, I went to Female Alpha training.

So, yes, she was strong but I was stronger. I didn't even have to shift completely just my claws and my speed.

She was shifting from human to wolf, a tactic used to confuse the opponent in war; her pack was famous for it. She lunged at me in human form but attacked me in wolf. I grabbed her wolf's arm and twisted it behind her pack.

Her howls filled the air and she struggled against me.

I tightened my grip on her and then hit her lightly on the neck and her howls ceased, her eyes closed and her struggles stopped. It was lights out for Marie. I threw her to the side and walked towards the pack house, I could hear Matt taunting and cursing. From the corner of my eye I saw him stand up and try to attack me but Daniel and Nick stopped him before he could get to close.

"I will never love you!" Matt thrashed and squirmed in their arms. Quickly shifting to his wolf and back, he shouted, "Do you hear me, Laina? I'll never love you! Ever!" Daniel and Nick started dragging him away put he kept screaming and screaming at me.

As I walked past them, I turned to him and smiled. "I know."

I couldn't for the life of me understand what caused the sudden change from the nice Matt I used to know to this angry crazy one. Or how he could reject his mate and not feel anything. He was eighteen and could feel the mate pull, unlike me, but yet, he could still reject and hurt me as if I was nobody.

I turned back around and kept walking towards the pack house, with tears in my eyes. But I walked with some pride intact. I would not let him see me hurt so I lifted my head up high pointed my chin out and walked with slow yet purposeful steps as If I had everything under control.

He was lost to me forever.

Once the pack house was in sight and I was no longer in Matt's, I ran inside and to my room, slamming the door shut behind me.

I had been laying on my bed for about an hour when there was a knock on my door. "Can I come in?" I didn't respond. There was no point. Nick would come in anyway. He stepped in and stood in front of the now closed door. "So, um…Laina?"

"Yes?" I turned to look at him.

He fidgeted, a bad habit he had when he became nervous. He was unsure of how to approach me on the subject of his brother, and the upcoming wedding. My best friend for once didn't know what to say to me.

"Dad said you didn't have to marry him," he told me.

Daniel had said that? Telling me that I didn't have to marry his stupid son if I didn't want to, that I didn't have to marry someone I wouldn't be happy with. I considered it for a moment but I knew that if I didn't agree to the Marriage, the pack would be in trouble. Daniel was getting old and he was ready to pass down the Alpha title to his son but that could only happen if he was married and was twenty-one. Those were our laws made by the first Alpha of our pack and if broken, it could mean destruction.

I had been trained to be Luna and to be an Alpha even though I hadn't been born one. And no one else had. It would take years to train another Female to be Luna of our pack.

So I was now engaged to Matt. All the women of the pack were probably putting the finishing touches on my wedding. They had started preparing it the day they found out I was Matt's mate. It was going to be huge. It wasn't necessary but the women of the pack loved parties and they loved throwing weddings. They said it made us more 'human' and helped keep our secret hidden but we all knew that was just an excuse.

I decided to ignore Nick’s comment, not explaining why I had chosen to marry Matt. He was smart, he'd figure it out.

"Is she gone?" I asked.

Nick sighed, realizing that I would not be explaining anything to him. "Yeah, she's gone."


I turned to my side and stared at the wall. I was done talking. All I wanted to do was go to sleep and wake up from this nightmare. I wanted to feel happy again, not empty.

The bed dipped and Nick turned me around to face him. He opened his mouth to say something but changed his mind and instead kissed me on the forehead and wrapped his arms around me. "Go to sleep."

Minutes passed by...

“I don’t if I can,” but my comment was to deaf ears as Nick lay beside me already asleep. I sighed and decided that maybe for now sleep really was for the best.

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