"Oh great" Danny and I say wide eyed as she looked at us. When she has too much sugar she gets extremely hyper, like any usual four year old, and dealing with that in a car for twenty-four hours is not going to be fun.

"He also got me new books! I got more elephant and piggie books and this one called my weird school" she smiles. It was insane how much she liked to read, she was four and was already reading things way ahead of her.

The three of us watch as she runs out of the room before looking back at each other.

"Okay can I just say, definite proud dad moment," Danny grins

"You know, when kids start educating themselves and learning in early adolescence, it proves their abilities in education and early development of a sense of independence. She-"

"Spence" Danny states, cutting him off mid-sentence "you're on a tangent again,"

"Yeah?" The spencer smiles over at our friend "Oh sorry, what I'm saying is when kids start learning as early as she is, she's going to most definitely be more mature than kids her age. Meaning by the time she hits about eleven , it's gonna suck ass for you bud. She's gonna be pretty much independent and most likely won't need you as much as a normal kid would"

"She will always need her daddy in her life. Now shut up and go read your fuckin Dr.Seuss books spence" Danny teases him. They were always throwing shots at each other, Danny always teased Spence for being a child, Spence always teased Danny for being an old man. I was usually in the middle of their bickering.

"Actually I was reading To Kill A Mocking bird by age seven and then Greys anatomy by Dr.Henry Gray at nine. I never really read Dr.Seuss, but I could do give you word for word of ever Harry Potter book" Spence starts to go full nerd mode. He often went on tangents like this.

He was extremely awkward in social situation but he was without a doubt the smartest person I know,when it came to social cues and situations though, the kid was clueless. Danny and I were kind of like his guides when it came to being in public. We've grown accustomed to him but most people are not.

"Okay both of you get out, I have to get dressed and then we have to load Becks truck" I order them before kicking both out of my bed and my room.

They all seemed over the moon excited for Texas and to see my family again. They got really close with my brothers when all of them came out to visit last year. The two are even some of Aces groomsmen. My family honestly loved the two and all of them thought Danielle was adorable.

"You ready to go home Tiny?" I question my dog as I walk past him.

I on the other hand was a nervous wreck. I haven't been home in eight years. Since Jordan, it wasn't the same, I was constantly reminded of him everywhere I looked and i jsut couldn't stay there. Eight years ago last week it happened. It got easier, eventually, but I was in a bad place for a long time. Doing a lot of bad shit.

"I'm coming in!" I hear Bri's voice from the outside of the door "hey dude"

"Hey," I grin as I throw my shirt on "Are you ready?"

"I am so excited! How hot does it get there? And is it humid? I feel like I'm probably going to die of a heat stroke," she starts rambling and I can't contain my grin

"Yeah have fun with that" I laugh

"Oh did you see, Bears got a new kicker" Bri is a huge football fan like myself, it's actually how we became friends. Bickering about football at a bar.

"He'll probably shit the bed his first game," I snort. Since my senior year of high school the bears have had bad kickers so it's not surprising that they got another one

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