Because We're Family

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After three hours spent silently sitting together in the waiting room, the Severide Family was finally informed that they could see Mason.

Liv and Caleb ran in first, seeing their brother in the bed looking pretty rough. Kelly and stella immediately followed, their hearts shattering as they saw their son all bruised and broken.

"Hell of a way to start my morning." Mason said, breaking the silence.

"We are so glad you're okay. And I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you guys this week." Stella told him, sitting beside him and pushing his hair back from his face.

"It's okay, Mom."

"I love you, Mase."

"Love you too."

Kelly wasn't sure what to say or do; the last thing Mason had said to him was "fuck you." But he didn't have the chance to be awkward because Liv and Caleb started chatting with their brother full force.

After awhile, Caleb realized it was past lunchtime and he was hungry. So he, Liv, and Stella went to the cafeteria, leaving just Kelly and Mason.

Kelly sat in a chair beside his son and sighed. "Tell me what you really think of us. Just for a second, pretend I'm not your dad, tell me what you think of me and Mom."

Mason sighed and thought for a second. "Honestly, I think you and mom are very passionate people and you both feel things strongly. But when one of you doesn't feel the same way or as strongly as the other one, things get weird and you start to take your frustration out on each other. And me, I've been around both of you for so long that I understand both sides of everything so I usually know how to fix things when you two can't see eye to eye."

"Except this time." Kelly added, knowing that's what he was getting at.

"Except this time." Mason nodded. "This time is different, you're depressed and I can't fix that."

Kelly nodded and took a deep breath. "I know. I'm going to fix that, I'm going to go to counseling, do whatever it takes to fix myself and our family. Mom also thinks it'd be a good idea for all of us to go to counseling after this week."

"I agree." Mason said. "And look, I don't entirely remember last night but I do know I said some things I shouldn't have-"

"No, you said exactly what you should've."

"But...didn't I tell you to fuck off?"

"Yeah, something to that extent. But I deserved it. You were protecting yourself and your siblings, how can I get mad over that? Could you have probably found a different way to get me and your mom's attention that didn't involve getting completely wasted? Sure. But it worked, didn't it?"

The two laughed lightly before Mason grew serious again.

"Dad, I saw you passed out in the kitchen this morning."

Kelly looked down at the floor and nodded. "I'm sorry, Mason. For everything, for this morning, last night, the days and weeks before, I'm sorry. I screwed up bad."

"I know you did, but as long as you're serious about going to counseling and fixing things, then I forgive you. Because we're family, and nothing will ever change that."

"Damn I love you." Kelly chuckled, putting his hand on his son's leg.

"Love you too."

That's the end, y'all! I hope you've all enjoyed reading and thank you all so much for the votes and comments, I literally appreciate it so much!! 💕💕

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