Quick Birth

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"Kelly! Get in here!" Stella yelled from their living room. She was finally at the end of her pregnancy and she had won their bet; the second Severide baby was a girl.

Kelly hurried in from where he was putting the finishing touches on his little girl's nursery, which was Disney themed. "What's wrong, babe?"

"Contractions, super close now. They're like a minute and a half apart now." Stella said through gritted teeth.

"What?! You're having contractions and didn't tell me? Baby, we can't even get you to the hospital if they're this close. We might have to pull a Brett and Antonio and have a home birth like they did with Spencer." Kelly informed her as he panicked.

Stella nodded as another contraction came. "I didn't think...our baby would come this fast...Just call for an ambo...and get blankets...and scissors and...an old sheet to put down."

Kelly ran around like a mad man doing as he was told, which included making sure Mason was still napping. Then it was go time.

"The ambulance is on the way, but I don't think they'll get here in time." Kelly told his wife.

"Well, you've delivered a baby before on a call. I hope you remember how because I have to push." Stella said as Kelly got prepared and helped Stella sit on the sheet in front of the couch.

Within 5 minutes, the newest addition to the family had entered the world. Kelly cut the umbilical cord before wrapping up his daughter in a blanket and wrote down the time she was born: 2:46 pm.

Once they had their daughter swaddled and cleaned up, Kelly and Stella chose a name and wrote it on the napkin where Kelly had wrote down the time of birth. "Olivia Stella Severide."

"Hear the sirens? The ambulance is finally here." Kelly laughed as Stella held Olivia.

"Go open the door for them. I'll ride in the ambulance with our baby girl and you and Mason can follow." Stella decided.

"Good plan. And good job, babe, you are so strong."

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