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"What's up, Daddio!" Caleb called to Kelly as he walked up to the squad table after school.

"Hey kiddo. How was school?" Kelly asked as he pulled up a chair and sat beside him.

"It was good. I got an A on my math test and finished my science project."

"Good job, Buck. Where are Liv and Mason?"

"They're coming, they got a little, um, caught up."

"Uh-huh. What do you know that you aren't telling me?" Kelly asked, seeing right through his son.

"You'll find out soon enough." He smirked as his older siblings came walking in.

"Dad, remember that time that Mason mowed the lawn for the first time? Or when he made you breakfast in bed all by himself when he was little? Or when he scored the game winning goal at his soccer game? Weren't you proud of him? Don't you just love him?" Liv began her prepared speech.

Kelly eyebrows lowered in suspicion. "Yes..."

"Good. Remember that." She said before stepping aside and joining Caleb at the Squad table for a front row seat.

"What did you do?" Kelly asked his oldest son suspiciously.

Mason sighed and handed him a folded piece of paper, just as Truck 81 pulled back in from a call.

Kelly read the paper before yelling, "You what!?"

Stella hopped off the rig and took off her turnout gear. "What happened? What's going on?" She asked.

"I can't believe how stupid you are!" Kelly yelled at his son.

"Wait, Wait, wait, what is going on?" Stella asked.

"Someone released a chicken in the teachers' lounge today!" Kelly said, everyone silently watching the family.

"Are you serious!?" Stella yelled, the other firefighters trying to hold back their laughter.

"Listen, you guys aren't seeing the humor in it! Josh and Spencer were in on it too." Mason said, trying to defend himself.

"What!?" Matt, Gabby, and Sylvie asked, their kids not yet at the firehouse.

"Where did you even get a chicken?" Stella demanded.

"I have my resources." He smirked. "Besides, it's only a five day suspension."

"And for the five days you're out of school, you are going to clean the entire house, make all the meals for everyone, wash the cars, and anything else your mom or I think up." Kelly decided.

"That's cruel and unusual punishment. There's a law against that. Eighth amendment, bro! I'm not doing anything you say!"

"You just lost your phone, too. Hand it over and go clean the bathroom." Kelly said lowly, snatching his son's phone and watching him scoff before walking away.

Stella shook her head, her and Kelly sharing a look before his phone rang. "Severide." He answered, everyone watching his face drop. After a few moments, he hung up the phone and looked back at his wife. "Benny had a stroke. He was dead before he got to the hospital."

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