Grocery Shopping

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"You know what I could use?" Stella told Kelly as she stood behind her at work, rubbing her shoulders.

"What?" He asked.

"A full body massage."

Kelly laughed.

"What? Giving your 12 week pregnant girlfriend a massage wouldn't be fun? I've been working behind a desk for less than a month and this already drives me nuts! I need something to look forward to after work."

"Fine, after shift we can go grocery shopping and then I will give you a massage."

"Grocery shopping?" Stella asked, completely hating the task.

"Baby, I've been living off of peanut butter sandwiches and dry cereal for the past week. We need food. I'll even buy and cook steaks tomorrow night." Kelly promised as the bells went off.

"Squad 3, Ambo 61, drowned person, Chicago river."

"Duty calls." Kelly said, kissing Stella before hurrying out.

"Be careful!"


The next morning after shift, Kelly and Stella headed to the grocery store.

"I don't want to grocery shop! Clothes shop? Sure! Baby shopping? Absolutely! Food shopping? Ugh!" Stella groaned as they walked inside.

"If it makes you feel better, I'll pay. Besides, this will be quick." Kelly promised, grabbing a cart.

The second they entered the store, Stella picked up a package of Oreos and a box of Cheezits.

"And you didn't want to go shopping." Kelly laughed.

"Well, if you're paying, I'm going to enjoy this." She smirked, adding a bag of chips to the cart.

"You might, but my wallet definitely won't." He sighed as they continued through the store. After picking up lots of groceries, the two were standing in line when Kelly saw a man with his young son, teaching him how to count money to pay the cashier.

"That'll be you soon." Stella whispered in his ear.

"It'll be us soon." He replies before giving her a kiss.

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