Now What?

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"Are you sure you wanna do this alone? I don't have to go to school today." Liv asked Mason as she got her shoes on.

"I've got this, Okay? I'll text you when things are fixed. Just try not to think about it today. Now go get Caleb and get in the car." He said, pouring a bowl of cereal before grabbing his car keys and heading out the door.

As he drove to drop his siblings off at school, he ate the bowl of cereal, Caleb chuckling the whole time.

"What's so funny back there, Buckarino?" Mason asked him with a mouth full of cereal.

"I think it's funny you eat while you drive." He laughed.

"I think it's dangerous." Liv rolled her eyes.

"It's called multitasking." He said as he pulled into the school parking lot. "Okay, Caleb, have fun on your field trip today. Liv, chill out and I'll text you later." He told them as they got out of the car.

Afterwards, Mason drove to Molly's, but didn't find his dad's car parked anywhere nearby. So he decided to drive around as many bars as he could, trying to find Kelly's car. Finally, after an hour, he did.

He parked right beside it then got out and looked in the window, seeing his dad fast asleep in the back seat. Knocking on the window, Mason woke Kelly up.

Kelly stumbled to open the door before practically falling out. "Why aren't you at school?" He groaned, the sunlight killing his head with the hangover he now had.

"Because I have to deal with you and Mom. Why are you fighting with her constantly? I get that you're hurting but don't do this to her. You two are meant for each other and you can't ruin your marriage just because you're grieving! Go to counseling, fix yourself, and start treating Mom better again. And me too, damnit!" He said, getting frustrated.

They were silent for a moment, staring each other down before Kelly spoke, his voice gone cold.

"You are a child, you don't know what you're talking about. And you haven't lost a parent, you don't know what this feels like. Go get the hell out of here and go to school."

"Fine, and then I'll see you who-knows-when, right? You'll deal with this how you want, drink yourself into oblivion for a few weeks, then you'll get hurt or depressed and come crawling back to Mom."

"Don't you talk to me like that!" Kelly yelled, stepping close to his son, his face mere inches away from Mason's.

"Whatever." Mason said before stepping back and getting back in his car, speeding away.

He continued to speed down the road with no idea where to go. He couldn't go to Stella now, she wasn't the one who needed to apologize and she couldn't fix things with Kelly when he was acting like this. So now what?

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