Family Jams

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Soon, all of the families packed up and headed for home as the storm blew in. As they drove, the Severide family had Kelly's playlist playing on his phone: old music that the kids, and sometimes Stella, hated.

"Hey, Daddy?" Caleb said sweetly from his seat behind his father.

"Yeah?" Kelly asked, looking at his youngest on the rear view mirror.

"Can you play Don't You Forget About Me instead of whatever this is?"

"You don't like this song?"

"I don't like any of these songs, Dad."

"None of us do." Mason piped up.

"Quiet, smelly boy." Kelly teased, handing his phone to Stella. "You have my permission to change the music."

Stella smiled as she took his phone. "What song did you want, Caleb?"

"The Breakfast Club song!"

"How do you even know what that is?" Stella questioned, having never showed the movie to her three year old before.

"Mouch and Herrmann played it when I was at the firehouse with you guys and Dad was helping Mason with homework and Livi was sad." He stated.

"Great, uh, did you watch the whole movie?"

"Just the end, Mommy, duh." Caleb said as if it were obvious.

"Right." Stella said, playing the song as the entire family began to jam out to it, singing and dancing the rest of the way home.

When Kelly pulled into the driveway, Stella pulled the AUX cord out of his phone and handed it back to him as they got out of the car.

"Mason, shower, now. And you better not be done in two minutes, I want you to use soap and scrub." Stella commanded, opening the back door and helping him out.

"But Spencer got to 8 days. Can't I just go two more days to beat him?"

"I swear to God, Mason Kelly Severide, go take a shower right now."

"Make me." Mason smirked, his attitude inherited from both of his parents.

"I brought you into this world and I can take you out of it. If you don't shower, you don't want to know what will happen." Stella threatened, not sure what to do if he didn't listen.

"Okay, Okay." He sighed, going inside to shower.

"He'll figure out one day that you don't pose any serious threat." Kelly whispered with a smirk.

"That day might come, but it's not today."

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