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"It's time to push, Stella." The doctor said as Stella squeezed the hand of her husband, who was sitting beside her in his wheelchair.

"Kelly, this hurts." Stella said through gritted teeth.

"It's almost over. You'll push and then he'll be here. Mason is going to be here soon." Kelly assured her.

Stella nodded and then began to push. Soon the baby boy was placed on his mother's chest as he cried.

"He's here!" Stella gasped as she cried tears of joy, holding her baby for the first time.

"You did it, babe. I'm so proud of you." He said, kissing her forehead as he looked at his son in complete awe.

"We did it, Kel. We're parents!"

Mason was taken and swaddled in blankets after being cleaned up and then placed in his father's arms.

"Hi Mason, I'm your daddy! I promise Daddy isn't always this weak, he just got a little banged up at work today. I'm normally much stronger and more handsome and never wear gowns on my own free will." Kelly told his son, making his wife chuckle.

"This entire day has been crazy." Stella sighed as Kelly let her hold Mason. "We got married, then you got hurt, then Mason came two weeks early."

"It's been exhausting, I'll admit."

"So, are you okay? Like, if I take a little nap, are you able to watch Mason or should we have a nurse take him to the nursery?"

"I just have a concussion and some bruising, I'm really fine. I'll take the little man down to meet everyone." Kelly said, taking the sleeping bundle out of his wife's arms and leaving the room.

"There he is!" Herrmann called when he saw Kelly walk into the waiting room, his baby in his arms.

"I'd like you all to meet Mason Kelly Severide, the newest member of this family." Kelly said, grinning like a goon as his newborn was passed around. He really couldn't have been any happier; he became a husband and a father all in the same day.

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