Movie Night

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"This has been, hands down, the scariest day ever." Stella told Kelly as they lay on their bed, still snuggling after 5 hours. "What do you say we try and do something to brighten the mood?"

"What did you have in mind?" Kelly asked with a slight cough.

"I was thinking we could, I don't know, order takeout and watch a movie and keep doing this?"

"And that is going to brighten the mood?" Kelly teased.

"Well if we pick the right movie..."

"Ah, of course. So, which movie did you have in mind? And I cannot sit through The Greatest Showman for a fourth time this week. Please, something else, just this once."

"Fine then. How about Beauty and The Beast?"

"Stella!" He groaned, making her laugh.

"You're going to fall asleep during it anyway! Come on, it's so good!"

"Or we could watch Field of Dreams."


"It's a classic!" He said before whispering, "If you build it, he will come."

Stella laughed. "Fine. But if you fall asleep, I'm changing it to Beauty and The Beast!"

"Deal, I won't fall asleep."

Soon the couple was watching Field of Dreams and eating takeout. After finishing eating, Stella looked over and saw Kelly asleep with food on his face. She took a picture, cleaned his face, and then changed the movie to Beauty and The Beast.

At the end, when the beast is turned back into a man, Kelly began breathing heavy and whimpering in his sleep. Stella turned the tv off and began stroking Kelly's hair gently, trying to calm him without waking him up.

"It's okay, Kel." She repeated softly. Just when she thought she had him calmed down, he gasped for air and shot straight up on the couch, beginning to cough intensely.

"Hey, take it easy, Kelly. Breath slow, in and out." She coached, helping him gain control of both his breathing and coughing.

"Sorry, bad dream." He said, his voice hoarse.

"Don't apologize. Come on, let's go to bed." She said, getting up. Kelly reached his arm up, asking her to help him without saying any words.

Soon, the couple was snuggled together in bed, Stella's head resting on Kelly's shoulder.

"You're a good pillow." She teased before kissing his cheek.

"You're a good kisser."

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