31. Happy Times and Sad Events

Start from the beginning

"Paris I hate to tell you, but you can never plan motherhood to the tee, nothing happens the way it's planned you just have to get into a routine and go with the flow at times and with multiples try to keep them close in the schedule, or you will never sleep," Rory says

"Well now I don't have to feel guilty, Im pregnant again." Honor says

"I'm Pregnant also," Andrea says

"Anyone else?" Colin asks laughing

"Don't look at me I just had twins 6 months ago, and my oldest just turned 2" Rory says

"Not it," Steph says

"So we have 5 more babies on the way to add to the already 6 we have... We truly are4 going to have the next generation of LDB just between us 10" Logan says

"It will have taken us 3 years to be outnumbered by kids from the time of the first to last birth," Robert says

"So Paris is 12 weeks, how far along are you Andrea and Honor?" Rory asks

"10 weeks about," Honor says

"8 weeks about," Andrea says

"5 babies due within 4 weeks, this will be a busy delivery ward," Finn says

"We were told with triplets 33 weeks is the time to expect them so 5 within 3 months," Paris says

July 31st, 2009

Paris is currently just past 29 weeks pregnant and miserable; shes high school Paris x10 all the time due to being so huge, hot, hungry and having to pee non stop. But today is different. At least she's feeling something different.

"Robert, I don't know what it is, but something just feels off today," Pairs says

"Bad or good different?" Robert asks

"Im not sure, but maybe we can see what the doctor says, maybe they are going to come earlier than we expected," Paris says

"He said he didn't think they would come for at least another 4 weeks, but we can call and talk to him," Robert says

Robert gets the doctor's office on the phone and lets Paris tell them how she's feeling.

"I don't know they just seem less active the last 12 hours, normally they are moving like crazy, but they just seem like they are relaxing," Paris says

"They could just be getting to the point they are so big there isn't a lot of room to move but come to the hospital, and we will check you out and monitor their movements and see what's going on," The nurse and dr say

Paris and Robert do as they were told, and they get ready to head to the hospital with their pre-packed bags incase. When they get to the hospital, they go to the maternity ward and check-in, and they get settled into the room to be examined and monitored.

After an hour of being monitored, it came out that Paris was right, and the triplets were underactive, and it was a good thing she noticed and called then came to the hospital. Paris was going to have to have a few tests and an emergency c-section today if they couldn't get the babies to start being more active.

"Looks like these babies are coming sooner then we expected, You're going to be prepped for an emergency c-section," Dr. Jakobs says

"What's going on with them, why are they coming so soon?" Paris asks

"Baby b and c are not as active as we would like them to be so we think it's best for all 3 babies if they are born so we can have a better shot at helping them," Dr. Jakobs says

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