27. Babies Galore

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Andrea and Finn had a great time in Australia, She got to meet all of Finn's siblings, and extended Family and Finn took her to all of his favourite places, He took her surfing, to the symphony, shopping, horseback riding and even atv'ing. Once Finn and Andrea were back from their extended honeymoon, instead of the 2 weeks they planned they took an extra 2 weeks. The groups were discussing last-minute preparations for the wedding of Steph and Tristan and then their plans for Valentine's day, they had planned to have lunch with all for all of them to get together before Tristan and Steph left for their honeymoon and left the night open for whatever the couples had planned for themselves.

February 10th, 2007

The wedding went off without a hitch, Andrea was even made one of the bridesmaids, it just so happened that Steph made sure to have an extra dress made in case something happened to one of the bride's maids dresses so all that had to be done was having it made to fit Andrea perfectly. Of course, Andrea was honoured to become a bridesmaid for one of the most anticipated weddings of the year. Steph and Tristan went to Hawaii for 2 weeks on their honeymoon. Paris and Robert had a romantic 3 day trip to Paris, France. Logan and Rory had a romantic evening at the empire state building that he bought out to have dinner at. Colin and Honor Had a romantic night in a hotel filled with non-alcoholic Champagne, strawberry and movies among other activities. Finn and Andrea spent a few days in L.A. shopping and checking on a newly acquired hotel, Most of the time they didn't leave the hotel.

For Logans birthday Rory took him to a burlesque club and gave him a private dance big bell and all.

March 17th, 2007

Today was St. Patricks day, and as usual, the old LDB group got together for their annual St Patrick's day party in new york. It was also Rory and Logan's baby's due date, but the doctor had told them days earlier it didn't look like the baby would be here for another week at least, so they planned on attending the party. The dress was casual and anything green, Logan bought Rory a cute green shirt and himself a matching one.

Finn and Andrea meet up with the group in their usual booth at the pub they rented out, and Andrea takes off her light coat to reveal her shirt to Finn and then everyone else

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Finn and Andrea meet up with the group in their usual booth at the pub they rented out, and Andrea takes off her light coat to reveal her shirt to Finn and then everyone else.

Finn and Andrea meet up with the group in their usual booth at the pub they rented out, and Andrea takes off her light coat to reveal her shirt to Finn and then everyone else

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