17. Honeymoon Hijinks

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A/N: I have been writing a bit lately, i am about halfway through with chapter 21 so surprise i give you this chapter. Hope you like it. Please leave a comment about how you would like to see things happen and what you may want to see happen to everyone over the years, i could use all the idea possible im stuck a bit 


July 10th 2002

Rory and Logan hadn't slept much the night before, they made love for the first time then laid in bed for a while just talking and making out until they were ready for another round. Logan and Rory had made love 3 times before sleeping for 6 hours before Rory woke up hungry.

~Rory laughing~

"Morning wife, what are you laughing about," Logan says

"Morning husband, I tried to go back to sleep but..." Rory reply's being cut off by her loudly growling stomach

"We had better fix that problem, What time is it?" Logan asks

"11:30," Rory says

"You're way past your feeding time, I must have tuckered my little wife out," Logan says smirking

"I think your right, but I also worked up an appetite, order extra bacon," Rory says

"I will call them and get your extra bacon, how about we watch tv while we eat?" Logan asks

"Sounds good, I'm going to shower while you order, come to join me if you want," Rory says winking back at Logan

~Logan quickly called room service and rushed off into the bathroom to shower with Rory~

Logan and Rory had a quickie in the shower and washed off before Logan put on his boxer briefs and helped Rory wrap up in the hotels plush robe before she went to find her clothing for the day.

~Rory opens her bag to get something to wear~

"Logan..... I think I got the wrong bag or something....." Rory says

"What do you mean the hotel couldn't have mixed up our bags," Logan says

"Well then where's all the stuff I packed, there's more lingerie than anything else," Rory says

"Let me see," Logan says looking through the bag

"It's out bag for sure, but I have a feeling I know who tampered with it and why," Logan says laughing

"So do I, I'm going to kill them," Rory says

"Think about it, they did it with the best interest at heart, we are on our honeymoon, how often do you think we are going to leave the room? You could do one of 3 things, Call them and yell, wear one of these little numbers for your new loving husband or just wear a housecoat and nothing else for your loving husband" Logan says smirking

~Room service knocks on the door~

" I will get that" Logan says still only in his boxer briefs

"Logan....put pan..... never mind," Rory says as she see's Logan open the door wide to the female room service attendant

"Hello sir, where should I put your breakfast," The girls asks as she eyes Logan up and down and smiles

"Babe where would you like breakfast?" Logan asks looking over at Rory

"Just over by the couch please, just please don't trip over your jaw," Rory says smiling and giggling

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