6. Birthday Fun

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Logan's driver showed up 5 minute's earlier than he usually did to pick Rory up for school, Logan didn't come to the door to get her, and he wasn't in the car either.

"Why isn't Logan with you today? he didn't tell me he was sick or anything" Rory asked

"He didn't say, he just told me to make sure you got to school on time," The driver says

"Ok thank you," Rory says

~I wonder what Logan is up to is something wrong. I hope he makes it to school~

Once Rory arrived at school the driver opened the door for her and Finn was waiting to help her out of the car

"Happy birthday Love, may I take your bag?" Finn asks

"Sure, have you seen or talked to Logan today?" Rory asks

"He called me and asked if I could escort you from the car to your locker," Finn says

"Oh, he didn't say anything else?" Rory asks

"No, why is something wrong?" Finn asks

"Its just odd that he didn't pick me up himself or even meet me at the car, he has picked me up from home every day since the second day back to school," Rory says worriedly

"I'm sure everything is fine. maybe he's just running late" Finn says

"Maybe," Rory asks

"Oh that reminds me I have something for you," Finn says pulling a card out from his bag

"Oh thank you," Rory says smiling

"Don't thank me yet, open it" Finn says

~Rory opens the card~

"Oh Finn your so sweet, I didn't even know they were open yet," Rory says pulling out a voucher to dinner for two at Marcels

"They aren't, My dad owns the hotel and restaurant and he agreed that any night you choose even if we aren't open or are fully booked up you will receive dinner for two free of charge," Finn says

"Wow, I love this thank your father for me to please," Rory says

"I will be sure to let him know," Finn says as they get to her locker

~Rory opens her locker~

"It appears you got another card," Finn says pointing to the envelope

~Rory opens the envelope~

"I must get going, I have to get ready for class," Finn says walking away

*Meet me at your favourite quiet spot on campus ~ L *

"Finnnnnn come back here," Rory calls

"Sorry love, I cant hear you" Finn shouts back

~I knew it, he's up to something~ Rory thinks as she heads to their quiet spot on the school grounds

Once Rory was outside she started to look around for Logan and she spotted Tristan holding a second envelope

"Tristan what are you doing out here we have class. Wait have you seen Logan?" Rory asks

"He said to give this to you," Tristan says handing it to her

"Ugh.. I have to get to class" Rory whines

"Read that first then I will go to class," Tristan says

*Go to the spot your favourite flower is planted at. Now Isn't this fun, you looking for me on your birthday, don't worry about class it's taken care of just come to me ~ L*

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