4. Long Weekend Surprise

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The rest of the school week went as good as expected. Logan had asked the Art teacher to keep his project private as he was planning on it being a surprise for Rory. The Teacher was kind enough and complied with his request, and He received an A+ when he told Miss Archer what the picture was of and why he wanted to give it to Rory, Miss Archer was a romantic at heart. Rory got an A on her art project, and Miss Archer thought it was sweet that Rory's father had taken her to a place she had told him she always wanted to visit.

Logan and Rory had Received A's on their Spanish paper's of course because Rory getting anything lower then an A is just not acceptable to her. If she had been given anything less, she would have asked him why she got the grade she did knowing full well the Spanish was near perfection and had all the requirements.

Today was Friday and also labour day long weekend, Logan had already called Lorelai days before and asked if he could take Rory on a camping trip with the rest of their friend's for the long weekend, Honor and a few old camp counselor's were supervising the trip.

Lorelai had agreed and even promised to keep it secret from Rory, she also made sure that Rory had everything she would need and had Rory's driver hand it off to logans when they got to school.

At the end of the school day when Rory and Logan walked into the pickup area where Alfred usually had the town car to pick them up, Logan started walking towards a different car and driver.

"Uhhhh Logan where is Alfred and why are you walking towards a party bus?" Rory asks

"Alfred was given the weekend off, and the party bus is for all of us," Logan says

"Who is all of us, Logan?" Rory asks

~ Tristan, Steph, Colin, Paris, Robert, Madeline, Louise and a guy walk up to them ~

"That would be us, Gilmore," Steph says

"Ohh kayyyyy," Rory says

~ The whole group of friends gets onto the party bus ~

"Uhhhh Logan who's he?" Rory whispers into logans ear

"That's the Aussie Finn I told you about from boarding school, and He convinced his parents to allow him to go to Chilton with us. He starting on Tuesday" Logan whispers back

"Huntz darling why are you so rude, you haven't introduced me to the lovely Shelia your whispering to," Finn says

"Oh, I'm so sorry your royal pain in the ass. Rory this annoying Aussie would be Finn, He seems to have followed us home, Finn this would be my girlfriend Rory Gilmore" Logan says emphasizing the word girlfriend

"Girlfriend, Now this is a first I have ever heard of a girlfriend back home," Finn says

"Yes girlfriend, It's new. This is the girl I always talked about" Logan says smirking

"The Shelia that kissed you when she was 10 just to see what the hype was about?" Finn asks

"The very same girl yes," Logan says smiling and holding Rory's hand

"Nice to meet the girl that Logan couldn't keep his mind off for 2 years," Finn says

"Nice to meet the fool that followed these 3 into all their shenanigans," Rory says shaking Finns hand

"How did you meet each other anyway?" Tristan asks

"This bloke here thought he could pull the wool over my eyes and......" Finn started off telling the story of how he and Logan met.

While Finn and Logan told the story of their meeting, Rory didn't realize, but they were no longer in Hartford. She was the only one who didn't know where they were going and they all knew Logan was surprising her.

"Logan, where are we? We have been driving for more than 15 min, and I don't recognize the area" Rory says

"Well you have been on this drive many times before, just not in about 6 years," Logan says smirking

"Logan... you better not be taking me where I think we are going... My moms going to freak I have to call her or she will never let me go near you again" Rory says in a panic

"Woah, Woah... calm down. Your mom knows your spending the weekend with us" Logan says

"What, the weekend..... I have nothing but my uniform" Rory says not even realizing what Logan said fully

"Rory, I have a bag packed for you with all of the stuff you will need including an extra uniform for Tuesday at school," Logan says

"What, how did you .." Rory asks in shock

"Rory your mom loves Logan you know that right?" Tristan asks

"Yes, I do," Rory says

"He asked her a few days ago, and she packed a bag for you, it's not just the 10 of us. Honor and a few of the older kids from our old summer camp are chaperoning our camping trip" Paris says

"Oh, so my mom knows and is ok with a bunch of 17 to19-year-olds supervising a bunch of 13- 15-year-olds all weekend," Rory asks confused

"Yes, she talked to the parents of the older kids, and we have Paris the party pooper with us," Colin says

"Hey, I'm not a party pooper I'm just not stupid enough to get into trouble," Paris says

"Oh cool it Paris, he was joking. Even if you are the last one of us ever to get involved with the shenanigan's of the boys" Steph says

"Whatever, I just want to get into Harvard" Paris whines

"So you're taking me to the lake in the Hampton's?' Rory asks

"Yup, Gramps said we deserved to be able to have our long weekend away and would prefer we do it on the family property, so we aren't harassed or in trouble for anything," Logan says

"Wait, did I hear you say you have an extra uniform for me to wear Tuesday?" Rory asks

"Yes, we are going to be leaving from here Tuesday morning, we already all have our first class' assignment done, yes even you I arranged it all" Logan says

The first-night Dinner was delivered to them, and they had a bonfire in the yard roasting marshmallows. The next morning girls got together and did some shopping on Saturday morning while the boy's played football and other stuff back on the property, after shopping they all had lunch together and afterwards enjoyed a dip in the lake. 

Later in the evening, the guy's made dinner for everyone. Logan was in charge of the lobster and grilled asparagus, Tristan did baked potatoes on the fire and made a tomato and cucumber salad, Colin made Macaroni and cheese from scratch, Robert made a penne pasta salad, and Finn made his moms famous Aussie Pavlova layer cake with red berries.

After dinner, some of the group took out a floating island to lay out on and look at the stars. The floating island was held to the doc with a 50-foot long line so they could drag themselves back in When they were ready. For Sunday and Monday, the group had spent the morning and afternoon's doing various activities. Some people would go off on their own others would stick with the group. Logan and Rory would often walk off to a corner of the property that was away from everyone, so they were able to talk openly without anyone listening in. Most of the time during the day everyone was playing volleyball, football, Swimming, or just lounging and chatting, In the evenings they would have a fire going and do karaoke or play games around the fire.

Over the long weekend, Logan and Rory found out what each other had done over the years while Logan was away and the summer that had just passed. He had told the other part of the reason he hadn't come home for the summer was the deal he made with his dad, He shadowed his dad half of the summer and then was able to go back to Chilton till graduation. Rory had spent a week in Paris with her dad and 2 weeks at the vineyard with her Gilmore grandparents, but the rest of the time she was in Hartford either babysitting or hanging out with their friends.

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