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July 6th

"I think I should tell my mom," Rory says

"I think it might be a good idea but when and how?" Logan asks

"Maybe we can ask Lizzie and Frankford for some advice," Rory says

"I'm sure they would have some ideas on how to deal with it, they did say they had a plan if your mom freaked out," Logan says

"Ok let's see if we can get them alone," Rory says

~Logan and Rory approach Lizzie alone~

"We were wondering if we could discretely talk to you and Frankford," Rory asks

"is it about a plan?" Lizzie asks

"Yes," Logan says

"How about we go to the study to talk while everyone is occupied and I can talk to him later about it?" Lizzie asks

"That could work," Rory says, and the three of them head to the study and lock the door and figure out a plan

Later That Evening

Luke and Frankford were busy BBQing and making dinner out on the deck, and Finn was keeping everyone else entertained on the beach.

"Hey mom, Can we talk privately," Rory asks

"Yes babe, Whats going on?" Lorelai asks

"Let's go talk in the study its more private," Rory says holding logans hand

In the Study

"Ok, so what's going on that's so secretive? And why did we need Logan and Lizzie in here too... Are you pregnant?" Lorelai asks panicking

"Oh god mom no... We haven't even had sex." Rory says

"Rory and I  wanted to tell you this before you got blind sighted about it..." Logan trails off

"Ok... Your not pregnant, So what are you asking my permission to marry her because I already gave you that" Lorelai says

"In a way yes I am asking but... we also have a little issue and we wanted to Ummm tell you...." Logan says looking towards Lizzie

"They wanted me to help them tell you about a problem Elias is causing in their relationship," Lizzie says

"Ok I would say ignore the old coot but I think it may be slightly more serious," Lorelai says

"Yes, its very serious," Rory says

"You know I love Rory with all my heart and would do anything to be with her right?" Logan asks

"Of course you would, you have loved her for as long as you have known each other" Lorelai says smiling

"Well, Elias is trying to make us break up before I go to Yale. He went behind My grandma's, my dads and my moms back and arranged for me to get engaged to some heiress I have never met' Logan says

"Oh... so you're breaking up with my daughter or...." Lorelai asks confused

"No, I would never willing breakup with her. The thing is we found a loophole, but it has to be done before I meet the heiress I'm expected to marry. We sort of have it all planned out and we plan on doing it no matter what but we would prefer you be on board" Logan says

"It sounds like your planning on running off," Lorelai says

"No... I want to marry your daughter and we found a way to do it legally with or without your permission" Logan says

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