7. Birthday shenanigans

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October 8th, 1999 Cont.

After everyone personalized their phones a bit, they all jumped back into the awaiting limo.

"Where to now," Rory asks

"Not telling, you will just have to wait," Logan says

"I don't like surprises you know this" Rory says

"Then it's not a surprise its just an undisclosed location" Honor says

"Does everyone but me know where it is?" Rory asks

"Kind of, not the exact location but the general area," Colin says

"So it's just undisclosed to me?" Rory asks

"For the most part," Honor says

"I hate being the only one who knows nothing and its worse on my birthday" Rory grumbles

"You will love it," Colin says

"I do not love it so far" Rory whines

30-minute drive later 

"What are we doing here... I don't know how to....." Rory says

"We rented it privately and got an instructor, a few of us still cant skate too well," Steph says

"Well then I guess let's go," Rory says squealing

~Everyone follows the running Rory into the roller rink laughing~

"Slow down girl, we have it for a few hours, and we still have to change," Steph says

"Change? What do you mean?" Rory asks suddenly turning around

"We have an outfit each here that isn't a school uniform," Paris says

"If you want there is a shirt that would look hot with your school girl skirt," Steph says laughing

"I will look and let you know, I know Logan happens to love my skirts seeing as he talked my mom into hemming them up more behind my back," Rory says smirking

"I didn't talk her into it, I asked why she hadn't hemmed them not knowing you had and wouldn't let her put them shorter, so she went ahead and did it anyway," Logan says smiling

"They are still a tasteful length, they surely aren't as short as slutty Summer Patton's," Colin says

"No ones are as short as her's, and they are the same skirts she wore before her growth spurt plus she rolls the top a bit to make them shorter," Steph says

After 2 hours of skating and falling everyone was ready to move onto the next fun thing and got into the limo once again.

"Can you tell me where we are going now?" Rory asks

"Lion's and tiger's and bears," Tristan says laughing

"Oh so helpful you Meany" Rory whines

"Oh when we get there you will realize just how helpful it was," Colin says

For the next little while, the group talked about their holiday plan's, school, the new year and even about summer plans.

"Rory I was thinking since me, Gram's, Gramps and Honor are spending Thanksgiving with the Gilmore's that maybe you would think about coming with Us for Christmas, Gramps and Grams said you and your mom are more than welcome anytime," Logan says sheepishly

"You know I would love to, but I would have to ask first, I don't know if the other Gilmore's are forcing us to spend it with them and I don't know if mom has plans with Luke," Rory says

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