8. So Much To Celebrate

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After the dinner at the Independence Inn with all of her family and the little town get together to give Rory all her gift's everyone went over to Lorelai and Rory's house to hang out a bit.

~Rory opens the front door~

"Mom you check the messages I'm going to get us all snacks," Rory says

"OK sweet's, make sure its all the good stuff," Lorelai says

"Well duh, nothing but the best for us girls" Rory laughs.

"What about us boy's?" Colin asks

"Oh you get rice cakes and rabbit food, You need to keep those figures intact for us," Steph says straight-faced.

"Excuse me but isn't that what you girls should be doing to land us?' Robert asks

"Excuse you? No one wants you Robert, and if anyone is trying to "Land" anyone here it's you trying to land us, and it's not working" Lousie states.

"This is a first, but Louise is right on more than one part of that statement. Robert, No girl will ever want you simply because well your you and The girls aren't trying to land anyone we are teenagers. what teenager is trying to find who they are going to marry already?" Tristan says

"I can think of a certain couple who may just be long term in this group, and I'm not talking about Lorelai and Luke," Steph says

"I hope you're not insinuating anything like teenagers getting married anytime soon," Tristan says

"No, but I do see a wedding in their future, maybe in 10 or so years," Finn says

"Do we get any say in this or are you our parents making a business deal for a merger of the newspaper prince and the insurance princess?" Logan asks

"No I'm the mother of the insurance princess, and she will not be talking about getting married for a merger... She will marry for love, way after I get married" Lorelai says smirking towards Luke.

"Ok enough talk about this gee I'm 14, and we have only been dating a few months I think it's a little soon," Rory says

"The only issue I have with this is the fact we are teenagers, I have thought about the possibility of us getting married many times, haven't you Rory?" Logan asks

"Well Uh... Ya... But I didn't want to freak you out" Rory says shyly.

"I would be more freaked out if you didn't ever think about it getting to that point, Doesn't every girl think about her wedding day?" Logan asks

"Well..... Yes I suppose they do, but I don't think they think about who the groom will be until they are at least out of high school" Rory says

"I pictured myself married to a prince when I was 15 or 16, and then I couldn't picture anyone until... well the moral is yes most girls do dream about their weddings and who they could marry," Lorelai says

"Lorelai... finish that thought. You didn't picture yourself married to anyone until when?" Luke asks

"I.. I don't know Luke I....." Lorelai says but gets cut off by luke

"No really, who... Lorelai, please tell me" Luke begs.

"You, I didn't see myself with anyone but you, Happy now you can run ....." Lorelai says being cut off by Luke giving her a passionate kiss

"Marry me" Luke whispers pulling away from the kiss.

"You mean it?" Lorelai asks

"I do," Luke says pulling a ring out from his pocket.

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