30. Not A Fool

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A/N Sorry its been so long since i updated, I have lost motivation to write and have been in a really deep funk on and off since my relationship split at the end of January 2019 and some other things going on with my kids. I have 1 more chapter of this story pre-written and i can hopefully get out of my funk and write more and end this story the way it deserves. Thank you all for your patients, i hope to get back to normal soon.  

April 1st, 2008

Everyone got together for their regular Tuesday night dinner. They were all sitting at their table, and the waitress was taking the drink order from Finn.

"5 Mcallens. 4 margaritas and a virgin margarita," Finn said

"Make that 2 virgin margaritas," Steph says

"Not drinking Steph, what's wrong," Finn asks bug-eyed

"There seems to be a parasite that doesn't like booze taking over my body," Steph says

"Oh well that's no good, have you seen a doctor yet," Finn asks, and Rory is trying to hide a smirk

"Yes, doc said it will be like this at least another 6 months," Steph says and Rory snickers

"They can tell how long you're going to be sick?" Finn asked confused

"Ya usually with this condition it lasted about 40 weeks and im only about 11 weeks into it," Steph says and her and Tristan smile at each other

"April fools?" Andria asks

"No April fools, Legit" Steph says

"No way?" colin says

"Yes, mid-October," Tristan says smiling

"It's about bloody time, I expected it to happen a long time ago before you were even married," Finn says

"Nope we just let nature take its course after we got married and voila pregnant I am," Steph says

Everyone looked at Paris and Robert

"Any news like a baby, or elopement you would like to tell us about?" Colin asks

"We havent set a date even if we are being pressured to get married fast and no there's, not a baby, no elopement plans yet either," Robert says

"I wouldn't get pregnant before I got married my grandmother would kill me and disown me after my mom and dad had to get eloped to cover up that she was pregnant before they married," Paris says

"Oh just run off get married and get knocked up fast so your baby can grow up with ours," Andrea says laughing

"We will take that into advisement," Robert says

"It's not like I really want a big wedding I would be happy with just close family and friends," Paris says

Robert looks at Paris in shock, he thought of all people she would want the big wedding in the hopes her parents would be proud of her finally

"What, it's not like my parents would actually be there so why put on the big show for them, hell if they wanted a big party they can throw it, but I want a wedding that is for us, not anyone else," Paris says

"That just kind of shocked me but I do understand, I like the idea of a small wedding also," Robert says

"You know we could pull it all off very fast like within a week unless you wanted more time," Rory says smiling

Robert and Paris both looked at each other

"2 weeks, just our group family and a few LDB members we are all friends with," Paris says smiling

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