29. New Years New Titles

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February 14th, 2008

The group decided this year they would go to the annual Cupid's Arrow party that Hayden and Associates were throwing this year. The whole gang decided to get ready at the Hayden estate. Logan and Rory had it planned that she would answer the door holding Ivy and hand her to whatever uncle was at the door while Ivy wore her promotion shirt, Rory and Logan wore their valentines day shirt's announcing the expected baby.

 Logan and Rory had it planned that she would answer the door holding Ivy and hand her to whatever uncle was at the door while Ivy wore her promotion shirt, Rory and Logan wore their valentines day shirt's announcing the expected baby

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4:00pm Hayden estate

*Ding dong* Rory answers the door

"Hello Finn, Andrea and little Auggie" Rory says handing Ivy to Finn who's arms were out to give her uncle Finn a hug

"Evening" Finn says

"Hey," Andrea says

"Well, little Love, what are you wearing?" Finn asks reading the shirt as Andrea sees what Rory's says and Andrea's eyes get wide and her jaw drops

"Wait... what, Promoted to big sister...... Love you let him do it to you again" Finn says laughing

"Yup, it was a shock to us both, we weren't even trying yet," Rory says

5 min pass

*Ding dong* Rory answers the door

"Hello Colin, Honor and of course princess Ariel," Rory says Hugging Honor and passing Ivy over to colin to see the shirt

"Hi. Oh god, not again" Colin says

"What, again?" Honor asks, and Rory points to her shirt

"Oh dear lord do you ever give it a rest," Honor asks laughing

"Yes, this was a surprise," Rory says

2 min Pass

*Ding dong* Rory answers the door

"Hey Tristan, Steph," Rory says as Ivy runs up to Tristan

"Hello, OMG YES" Steph squeals

"What, Oh well this time you guys can do it together" Tristan as snickering

"Umm, what?" Rory asks looking confused

"We can be pregnant together" Steph whispers

"OMG that's great, I was scared to tell you the most," Rory says

10 min pass

*Ding dong* Rory answers the door

"Hey Paris, Robert" Rory says

"Are you going to ask us in?" Paris asks

"Would you like to come in Paris?" Rory asks

"Better" Paris says sternly

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