Chapter Nine: Roman's Backstory

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Sorry this is kinda badly written. I had an idea and just wanted to get it out.

~Roman's POV(Finally!)~

I sighed. I guess it was time to tell Virgil my backstory.

"Well.." I began. "I've gotten used to it. I dealt with it a lot growing up. I knew I was gay since I was around ten. I had the biggest crush on this boy that sat next to me in class. Once I got to high school, I lost that crush because the boy turned out to be pretty homophobic."

Virgil kept starring. I kept going.

"When I found out that boy was homophobic, I came home to my homophobic parents angry. They were like, 'what's wrong?', and 'you can tell us anything!', and 'we'll always love you!'. I got courage and came out to them. Before I knew what was happening, I was sitting by a tree in a park. Alone. With only my phone, $20, and my school stuff. In fact, it was the same park I found you in."

Virgil spoke. "What happened?"

"Same thing that happened to you. I was found. Protected. In fact, I was found by Patton and Logan. At the time they thought they were straight, but they still accepted me and took me in as their own. Even though they were in high school too."

I continued more, realizing that I was originally explaining why I can take mean remarks, but now I'm talking about my life story. "As we grew up together, they started to realize that they were gay too. One day, Logan came to me and said that he was 'experiencing romantic attraction towards Patton.' Patton came to me the next day and said that he had a crush on Logan also."

Virgil spoke again. "Wait, so, are they dating?"

I sighed. "No. They're too shy about it. But anyway, I grew up with them. All three of us got hateful remarks thrown at us. But it was okay. I treated Patton as my dad, and Logan as another dad. But Patton was, and still is, a dad-like figure to me."

"Once we got out of college, I landed a giant acting role. I got a good amount of money. After some more shows, I moved into this house. Those two are still my parents. I lost connection with my real parents, but I don't care. I have Patton and Logan."

Virgil starred at me. "Wow.." he said, dumbfounded.

"Yeah.." I said. "Pretty big story. But that's why I am able to take those remarks. I've gotten used to them, and I have Patton and Logan to help me."

After a minute of silence, Virgil spoke up. "Is.. is that why you were in the park that one day? When you found me?" He asked.

"No, I did want some fresh air. But, I do come to that park when ever I get out of the house, because I knew I would find someone in a similar situation to me one day. And.." I looked into Virgil's eyes. "I did."

There was a comfortable silence for a while after that. Eventually, I decided to see if he liked Disney.

"Hey, uh, do you wanna watch a movie?"

"Sure." He said.

"I only have Disney.. is that okay?"

Virgil smiled. "Yeah, I love Disney. How about Cinderella?"

I smiled back. "Sure!"

~Time Skip~

~Virgil's POV~

The credits rolled for the movie. I always liked Disney, it had some darker secrets that people normally don't see.

I realized I had moved onto Roman's lap during the movie.

"Oh, s-sorry, lemme move.."

"Oh." Roman said bluntly. "Uhm, you don't have to move."

I blushed. "Well, we need to go to bed soon anyway, Princey."

He smirked. "Alright, sunshine."

I blushed at the nickname as we began getting ready for bed.

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