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She was brave as well. She had to be, to survive the life she's lived.

*:・゚ ✧

Her crappy job at the bakery was now even crappier than usual. People were giving her glances of fear and they were not buying anything from her, though she was polite and nice to every single one of them. But when she heard about Brooke Bluebell's murder, she knew why they did that.
"She and her murderous mother killed her!" The few people who seemed to not blame her were the ones who blamed a guy named Peter Rumancek, a werewolf. She scoffed in annoyance.

"Tatiana, can we talk?" She turned around to see her short and plump boss standing behind her. He was nice to her, but he had always put his business over anything, and that made her afraid of the outcome of that conversation.

"You are a good girl and you have done a very good work, but.."
"My father always used to say that everything that comes before 'but' is horseshit." She said, crossing her hands over her chest and making him look down with guilt.

"But if you can't get those people to buy from you, then I can't let you work here anymore."
"Oh, so you're firing me because people say I killed somebody?" She scoffed and then went on. "I personally think that you're too far up your own ass to even think about having your own opinions." She said, and he opened his mouth to say something, but it's not like she was gonna let him.

"Oh, you don't agree? Well, then screw off, shithead!" She shouted the last words and he jumped in fear. She grabbed her coat and slammed the door angrily, leaving behind a place full of whispering people.

It was past midnight and Tatiana couldn't bring herself to sleep. She got out of the house to get some fresh air and maybe put her thoughts in order, and her steps led her to the place Brooke Bluebell died. It was marked by the police, but that didn't stop her from getting closer. She had never known the girl so well, but they spoke a few times. What human hand could do something like that? But that was not human, she thought.

A male voice behind her broke her out of her thoughts.
"Well, guess I'm not the only one who can't sleep at night." She turned around to face a boy of no more than seventeen years of age, with medium sized brown hair and the same brown beard. His eyes shone in the darkness of the night.

"Who are you?" She asked, hugging her coat to her chest, the cold being now almost unbearable to her.
"Peter Rumancek. You probably know me as the werewolf who they say killed her." As a matter of fact she did hear of him just that morning.
"Well, I'm Tatiana Crawford."
"Crawford? Is Elane Crawford your sister?" This conversation was starting to interest her when she heard her sister's name.

"Yeah, she is. Do you know her?"
"Uh, we go to school together." She looked ahead again, trying to picture the murder in her mind.

"Why are you here, Tatiana?" She looked at him again, but didn't really see him. Instead, her gaze found another figure walking their way. Roman Godfrey. When he got close enough so she could see his face, she noticed the same look Peter had when he arrived there. A look that practically shouted It seems like there are other restless people in this town. For a minute, there was silence. But then, Roman spoke.

"So, which one of you killed her?" She looked at him with sadness. Why does everyone expect me to be a killer?

"I figured you killed her." Peter said, and she felt like she was missing a piece of the puzzle. And judging by the look on Roman's face, so did he.

"Why would I do that? And more importantly, how? Do you see me having any fangs or claws?"

"Then why would you believe any of us can do that? Do you see us having fangs or claws, or whatever?" She said, raising her voice a slight bit. But he had no time to answer her, for a police car stopped before them, two officers getting out of it, wondering what are three teenagers doing at a crime scene in the middle of the night. Peter took a few steps forward, but Roman was ahead of him already.

"Good evening, gentlemen." He said calmly, as if nothing was more normal than what they were doing.

"Mister Godfrey. Can I ask what you three are doing at this late hour of the night?"
"Just hanging out, I suppose." His voice was still very calm, to her surprise.

"We can have you arrested, you know that. For trespassing." Roman looked in his eye before he spoke.

"You will not have us arrested. Instead, you shall go home and get some rest, buddy. You got a long day." He pat his shoulder and she was shocked that they actually left. When Roman turned around, his nose was bleeding. Not bad, but noticeable.

"Are you alright?" She asked, and he nodded slowly, while wiping it with his sleeve and lighting himself a cigarette. In that moment, she realized there was more to him than he let the world see, and Peter saw that too. This guy would do her and her family a good if he were on their side. She would do well to remember that if the time comes.

She sneaked back into the house at the late hour of three in the morning, only to find a concerned Elane sitting on the couch with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Can I ask you why would you sneak out of the house at this hour, especially when that killer walks free?" She asked her, causing her to sigh.

"I went to the crime scene." Elane's face darkened.

"Why the hell would you do that? Isn't it enough that they already suspect us? Do you think that popping up at a crime scene in the night will get you points for the model citizen?"

Her face softened when Tatiana looked in her eyes. "Has anyone seen you?"

"Peter Rumancek and Roman Godfrey were there." Her eyes widened and she gave a look of disapproval as Tatiana looked at the floor, as if it has never been more interesting.

"The police came too. They tried to arrest us."
"They what? How did you get away?"

"Roman drove them away. It was like he somehow hypnotized them.. I don't know, it was strange." Elane waited a moment before speaking again.

"When I went to his house that day to see Shelley, he tried to do something like that to me, but he failed. I don't know what exactly he was trying to prove."

For a second, they were both staring blankly at the floor, and Tatiana tried to loosen up the atmosphere.

"So, are you going to the Halloween Homecoming?"

"You're kidding me, right?"
"Come on, we can't miss out all the events that involve human contact. Even though I would rather stay at home and read a good book, you're still in high school. Besides that, we don't want to raise any more suspicions, do we?" She said with a grin.
"I'm not going back there alone. I'm going only if you come with me."

"Alright, I suppose. No one cares anyway." The sound of Oscar's voice coming from the dark of the house made her heart jump.

"You're not going to invite your brother too?" He said with a playful grin.

"Why the hell are you always lurking in the dark like that? People might see you as a creep." Their sister laughed while saying that to him. Oscar was closer with Elane than she was with any of them. But she loved both of them anyway.

"Of course you can come along! The more, the merrier. It is going to be great. I promise." Oh, such a vain promise that might be...

𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐋𝐃 𝐎𝐍 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄, roman godfreyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang