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The only thing that was worse than living in Hemlock Grove was dying.


*:・゚ ✧

The memory of the night when everything went to shit was still haunting her. In her nightmares, she relived it all over again.

Clarice woke up to the faint sound of glass shattering, only to see her husband gone from the right side of the bed. Her heart was caught in her throat as she descended the stairs to the kitchen. The sight in front of her made her put a hand on her mouth to stop herself from screaming. Her husband lay dead on the floor, with his throat slit to the bone and his eyes opened, blood all over the counter and the ceiling. With shaking hands, she took out a knife from a drawer and glanced at the broken window. Her fear returned again when she noticed the shadow of a man lurking in the dark. She eyed her husband for a brief moment, before running towards the man, her grip on the knife tightening and adrenaline flowing in her veins as she aimed for his heart. Only he struck her face with a heavy hand causing her to collapse to the ground, the knife falling from her hand. She could taste blood and the fear in her mouth as she tried to reach the kife, but he stabbed her in the arm and she screamed in pain, hoping that her son would hear. But he had no skill in any kind of combat and his power was still sloppy, untrained. She was afraid that the killer would get him too. Oh, why did she allow her daughters go to that stupid party that specific night? She thought as he handcuffed her and picked her up, much to her horror, and pinned her to the table, his heavy hand still on her back as he gagged her and ripped off her nightgown. Her screams were muffled as he thrusted into her roughly. What poetic sense of justice had gotten into her, none could say, for she was only human after all. Her children inherited the power of telekinesis from her husband, but aside of that, she didn't owe him a damn thing. He was a drunken and violent man, who had taken his anger out on his family everytime he liked. She prayed for his death a long time, and finally her wish was fulfilled, but at what cost... she thought as the pain grew worse and worse, before... before it stopped and she couldn't feel his weight on her anymore. Finally being able to move, she turned around to see her son and the man's unconscious figure on the floor and she had never been so grateful in her entire life. He looked almost as terrified as herself and he stood frozen before her.

"The keys, Oscar! See if he has them on him." Her words broke him from a trancelike state and with shaking hands he took the keys from his pocket and set her free. He saw the blood on her arm as he tied the man's hands and she felt the pain again.
"Mom, you're bleeding." His voice trailed off.
"The first aid kit is in the bathroom. Quickly." He ran upstairs and she just took a moment to breathe, feeling the stinging pain between her tights. She shall never lie with a man again. Not after this. She thought. Her heart jumped in her chest again when she heard the man gasp for air. She kicked the knife out of his reach and tried to pace her breathing, but her bloody hands were shaking again as the man looked at her with his wicked green eyes.
"You liked it." When he said that, a fire started to burn inside her as she took the kinfe from the floor and gripped it tight. All the fear and pain was gone, and only anger was left as she stabbed him repeatedly, not paying attention to his screams and the drops of blood - his blood - that were splattering on her face. She hasn't even acknowledged Oscar's presence before he gasped and held her arms, telling her to stop. When she looked at him, she saw how dead he was and jerked back, glancing at a panicked Oscar.
"Mom, he's dead! He's dead! We have to call 911!" He said as he grabbed the phone, but she stopped him before he could make the call.
"We can't do that. We need to just get rid of both of them and..." her voice trailed off, but she had to pull herself together. For her children. "We need to flee. Leave in the morning, when the girls come home. Pack our shit and leave."
Oscar calmed down himself, and took her hand in his.
"Mom, we can't. We're broke. If it is for us to leave, we have to sell the house. And that means another month of staying here, if not more. Tell me, what will you tell people when they see that father isn't making any appearance in town?" She knew he was right, but she wanted them to flee, to go somewhere safe, a new start for her and her children. And now that Dean was gone, they actually had a chance.
"It's alright, it was self-defense." She avoided his gaze and caused him to ask "It was self-defense, wasn't it?" He looked at her with kindness.
"We will call the police and tell them what happened. And then, we will sell the house and leave."
"If we call 911, the news will spread. It's a small town, and the people here are thirsty for gossip. Who would want to buy and live in a rape slash murder house?" A moment of silence passed, when he hugged her close. "We're stuck, Oscar."

The police arrived and she told them everything: how she was alerted by a window breaking, and when she came downstairs, her husband was dead and the man attacked her, stabbing her in the arm. She told them he killed him in self defense, after he woke up from his unconsciousness. Yet she left out the rape part, even to her daughters. After all, she still had some dignity.

She woke up to a loud knock on her door and saw Tatiana standing in the doorway, concern visible on her face.
"Mom, you were screaming."

"I'm reliving that night all over again." She said, trying to contain a tear that was forming in the corner of her eye.

"I know you're not going to like this, but you need to see a therapist. And before you say anything, I don't think you're crazy. It's just that everyone needs help every once in a while."

"Perhaps I should. But there are no decent therapists in this town and everyone is looking at me like I am some kind of murderer!" She said, avoiding Tatiana's gaze.
"There is one. Norman Godfrey." She said with a deep sigh.

"No, absolutely not! I'm not putting my sanity in the hands of a Godfrey!" She shouted at her daughter, making her cringe for only a second. Tatiana's face turned emotionless as she spoke:

"You know, they interrogated me too after I came home. They kept talking about how good of a husband and father he was. Maybe I should've told them how life with Dean was really like. How he enjoyed beating me every single night, simply to state his desire. Look at me, mom! Look at this!" She shouted to her, pointing to the purple scar on her shoulder.

"This is how life with him was like!" She wanted to tell her why she was really having nightmares and what pain that night brought her, but the words just won't come out of her mouth. Instead, she found herself saying:
"Alright then. I'll start seeing that Norman Godfrey."

A/N: i might be using some quotes from Game of Thrones :)) just want you to know that i am not claiming those as my own and i give credit for them to their creators.

𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐋𝐃 𝐎𝐍 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄, roman godfreyWhere stories live. Discover now