Missing case (Chapter twenty three)

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It was an afternoon at the Detroit police department. Conan and Gavin were heading out to question a young woman called 'Rachel Roberts'. 28 years old. She recently made a report for a missing person. Once the two arrived RK900 walked up to the door and knocked gently, the detective stood behind the android. The door slowly opened.

"Hello, we are from the Detroit police department. May we please come in so we can ask you some questions about your daughter that you reported had gone missing?" Conan said, Gavin just looked at him. The young female nodded and let them in.

Once they walked in Conan analysed the place. "Do any of you want coffee?" Rachel asked. "No than-" Conan got interrupted by Gav. "Yes please." Detective Reed smiled a bit. The girl nodded and went to the kitchen.

"You both can go wait in the living room!" She yelled from the kitchen. They both went into the living room, Conan analysed the place as he would to get any clues or information about where Rachel's daughter could be. Speak of the devil, Rachel walked in and handed Gavin his coffee. "Thank you." He took a sip.

"Is it ok if I look around the house to see if there could be any clues about where your daughter is?" Conan asked, Rachel nodded and smiled. Conan left the room while Gavin began questioning her.

(I'm not great with detective things and stuff so I'm sorry but I'm skipping that, sorry)

It had been about 30 minutes Conan returned to the living room. "Detective? May I talk to you for a minute?" RK900 asked. Gavin sighed and got up. He left the room with Conan and talked in the hallway.

"What?" Gavin looked at Conan. "So, I've gathered some information." Conan explained. "Continued." Gavin gave a slight nod.

"Emma, Rachel's daughter had been planning to run away from home for awhile. She had planned it in her diary and she talked about things she'd do, mostly try to stay at her friends place for a bi-"

"Why the fuck would she leave?" Gavin asked.

"The reason seemed to be about her mothers friend, a man called Mike?" Conan tilted his head softly.

"Ok, change friend to boyfriend." Gavin said. Conan seemed to understand more now.

"She might have been scared of him."

"Yeah." Gavin crossed his arms, nodding. "Well, anything else?"

"She left 39 hours ago through the window, finger prints showed tha-"

"Yeah yeah, what about her friend?" Gavin asked, seeming fed up.

"Her friend she talked about is called Ashley." Conan said.

"Ok ok, I'll go ask where the hell she lives and we'll go look there or send someone there." Gavin said, Conan nodded. Gavin walked back into the living room and went to ask. After a bit he came out with a small piece of paper and walked pass the android. "Let's go toaster." Conan followed, he looked behind him and waved 'goodbye' to Rachel.

20 minutes later

Gavin and Conan were back at the police department, reporting on the information about the missing person case.

It was until later on police went to check the address and found Emma Roberts there, she was returned to her mother and things were sorted out. So the case was closed. It was surprising that the case was closed that quickly but it didn't matter.

It had been two hours after the android and the detective had gotten home. They were watching movies, Gavim tried to pull out a cigarette after Conan grabbed it and throwing it in the bin. "Smoking is dangerous, don't smoke inside or at all, ok?" Conan looked at Gavin who was now acting like a grumpy five year old. Conan messed with Gav's hair, making the grumpy man smirk a bit. Conan pulled Gavin closer to him, Gavin gave in and leaned on the android. They kept watching the movie, Conan put his arm around Gavin. Real smooth Conan.

After the movie ended Gavin grabbed the remote and tried go look for another movie, he didn't plan going to sleep anytime soon.

"Gavin, you should sleep." Conan chuckled.

"One more movie?" He looked up at Conan.

Conan sighed. "Fine!" Then chuckling.

For the next hour and something minutes the whole family had been watching the movie. Gav, Conan, Pumpkin and Nines. Conan was still confused why the cat was called Nines. Anyway Gavin was still awake and convinced Conan to watched another movie again.

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