"I'm not a deviant." (Chapter seven)

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It had been two days after what Hank asked Conan. It was now a Friday,
December 10th, 2038.

Conan was waiting for Gavin to come into the police department. His LED flickered yellow. Communicating with Connor.



"Are you alright by yourself?"

"Yes I am, why do you ask?"

"I wanted to apologise for what Lieutenant Anderson asked you a couple days ago."

"Don't apologise."

"Are you a deviant though?"

Conan didn't answer Connor and looked around detective Reed's desk. Trying to forget what Connor asked. It just pissed him off.

10 minutes and 21 seconds later Gavin entered the building, Conan was thankful because for the last ten minutes Connor had been trying to ask him again and again. Gavin didn't look too happy though.

"Hello detective Reed."

Gavin looked at Conan. "Yeah, whatever prick."

"Would you like a coffee?"

"Sure fuck face."

Conan LED turned yellow. "I will if you stop calling me your childish names."

"Fucks sake." Gavin sighed. "Just go tincan!"

Conan grabbed Gavin by the throat and pushed him against a wall. "Like to repeat that?"

"Let g-go!" Gavin tried kicking him.

Everyone was watching them both now.

"If I have to work with you then you'll have to respect me, or I'll make you."

"Why should I respect a piece of plastic like you?!"

"Because it hurts my fee-"

[ Software instability ^ ]

Conan let go of Gavin realising what he about to say.

"Oh, you have 'feelings' now?"

Conan ignored the question. "Come get me if you need me." The android started to walk away.

(Gavin's pov in third person)

Gavin stood there in silence, confused and shocked. He watched was that android walk away. His neck did hurt but that wasn't the thing bothering him at the moment. Why did that piece of plastic make him worry? It didn't care about his well being. It was a robot for gods sake! Or was it? Gavin felt a tap on his shoulder, he turned around.

"Detective Reed?" It was Connor.

"What the fuck do you want!?"

"Your stress levels have gone up by 60%. Are you worried for Nines?" Connor normally called Conan Nines or Rk900. For a second Gavin had forgotten.

"What? Wait? Fuck no! He's a robot piece of shit!"

Connor nodded. "You do seem warm to him though-"

"Shut the fuck up! I'm not!"

Hank walked up to them both. Hearing them arguing.

"What the fuck is going on now? Gavin, first having a fight with your boyfriend-"

"He's not my boyfriend! You old hag!"

"You wish though right?"

Gavin was too pissed off to do anything, he was about to walk away before saying. "Go and suck each other off for fucks sake!"

Hank and Connor stayed silent, either confused or disgusted. A bit disappointed too.

Eventually Gavin found Conan sitting down in a chair looking down.


"What is it Gavin? Anything important?"

"We need to talk, now."

"About work?"

"No, personality shit."

"About you?"


"No thank you." Conan was about to get up before Gavin pushing him back down in his seat. "Listen you shit."

Conan looked up at Gavin for the first time.

"What happened in there?!"

"I was frustrated."


"You calling me childish names all the time! Everyone one assuming that I'm-"  Conan fell silent.

"Assuming your what?"

"A deviant."

"Are you?"

"No! I'm not a deviant!"

"Ok ok! I was just fucking asking! But I wouldn't really care if you were."

"I thought you hated androids, let alone deviants."

"I do but I don't know, you gave me a different opinion about them."


"That only some are shitheads and some can be kinda nice?" Gavin said.

"I guess?" Conan sighed.

"So, choose a side Conan."

Conan nodded and got up. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For actually not being an ass about it."

"It's alright? I'm still fucking pissed that you attacked me though!"

"Sorry!" Conan chuckled. "Lunch break, let me treat you to some coffee?"

"What do you mean?" Gavin seemed interested now.

"Take you out to a cafe."

"Like a date?" Gavin joked.

"No no!" Conan laughed. "Unless if you want to." He mumbled.



"Ok, we got twenty minutes until that. Want to look over some cases?"

"Alright." Conan smirked. Gavin's face heated up.

"Ok, wipe that fucking smile off your face and let's go back."

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