Questions that need answers (Chapter twelve)

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(Gavin's POV in third person)

He woke up early in the morning. Gavi could hear someone rushing around his apartment, forgetting that Conan was there he grabbed a gun and got up. He got dizzy, head hurting like a bitch.

'Fucking hangover' He thought to himself before stumbling out of his room. He saw a shape of a person and aimed his gun at them. The person turned around. False alarm, it was just Conan.

"Gavin? What are you doing? Are you still drunk?"

Gavin put his gun away. "Sorry, forgot you were here. What the fuck happened last night?"

"You were drunk."

"Yeah, I already knew that fucks sake. What else happened?"

"Uhm." Conan stayed silent for a couple of seconds. "You passed out!"

Gavin wasn't too good at telling if people or android's in this case were lying but he could tell Conan was lying to him.

"You sure tincan?"

"Yes." Conan nodded, looking like he was getting flustered.

"What the fuck did I do now?"

"Nothing Gavin, calm down."

"Ugh, alright! You have to tell me later though." Gavin sighed.


"Get your shit, we're going."


"Work dumb ass."

Conan nodded, Gavin wanted to go this early though? Weird but ok. They both got ready to go out, after they left the apartment and locked the door they got to the car and Gavin drove to work. The man was trying to get Conan to tell him what happened to not avail.

(Conan POV in third perso)

Once they both got to work they walked in, surprisingly Hank and Connor were there but they were acting differently. Conan noticed this first and it reminded him of the kiss. He was too scared to tell Gavin what happened. Anyway Gavin saw what Hank and Connor were doing and whispered fo Conan. "They definitely fuck each other." Which from hearing that it made Conan laugh.

Hank and Connor looked over and tried to act normal, Connor stood up instead of still sitting on Hank's desk in a extremely flirtatious or 'comfortable way'.

Conan remembered something. "Give me a minute or so." Conan headed past Connor leaving Gavin confused.

Conan's LED flickered yellow.

"Meet me outside, in the alleyway."

And Connor's LED flickered yellow as well, he looked at Conan walking away and nodded. "Sorry lieutenant, I need to do something private." Before getting up and following Conan.

They both got outside and Conan pulled Connor into the alleyway.

"Are you alright Nines?"

"No, I'm not."

"What's wrong?"

"I made a bad decision."

"Which is?" Connor sounded worried.

"To become a deviant."

Connor tried to stay silent but he broke into laughter.


"Sorry, but how is that bad?"

"What?" Conan raised a brow.

"Being a deviant."

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