Update? (skip if you aren't interested)

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So, I'd like to say thank you for over 100 reads. I honestly expected no one to read this so thank you! As well thank you to everyone who's supported me ^^.

Oh and don't worry! I will make chapter sixteen later today. Maybe sooner or later I'll make a fanfiction on another ship from Detroit: become human. I don't know what ship yet exactly so we'll see. As well I'd like you guys to go share love and support to my friend _bazzagazza_ she needs it. Yeah her fanfiction is popular than mine but whatever, she still needs love!

If you're asking if there's going to be other ships in this fanfiction then yes there will be. As well I might make a cover for this fanfiction since the one I'm using right now is temporary but if I don't make a new cover I'm sorry to disappoint you all.

If you like this fanfic and you have friends who like this stuff then share it with them but that's your choice! Again fucking thank you for the love and support at the moment and I'll might make another update in the future explaining more on the fanfiction.

Bye loves! ❤❤

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