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"I never want to leave this place," Louis says with a sigh. The loved up, mated couple are laying on the couch in the heated cabin, enjoying the peace and quiet of the surrounding woods. 

"I know, cherub. But you know we only have tonight and then we must go back to the city. As much as I would adore staying here forever with you by my side, we both have obligations. But I promise to bring you back here. Maybe for your heat?" 

Louis hums in agreement and closes his eyes. He feels the warmth from the alpha seeping into his skin and he couldn't be happier. He feels a delicious ache in his bum and on his neck, and he doesn't think he's ever felt so content and loved and every other good adjective that his brain is too mushy to actually think up. 

They remain in silence, the only sounds coming from the forest outside the cabin and the very soft music the alpha put on hours earlier when they first collapsed on the couch after multiple rounds of love making. 

It's only when the omega hears Harry's stomach grumble that he opens his eyes and glances at the older man in amusement. "You hungry, H?" 

Harry shrugs, "I could eat, but I can wait for you to be hungry as well." 

Louis shakes his head and stands up, dropping the blanket from his body, allowing the cold air to his his naked skin. The alpha practically drools when Louis begins to walk, his ass jiggling in such an obscene way that it makes Harry want to devour the boy once again. 

Harry stalks the omega as he makes his way into the kitchen and opens up the fridge, trying to find something that he could make for his hungry alpha. He doesn't find much in there, so he makes his way to the pantry, swatting Harry's wandering hands away. 

"How about some spaghetti? We have some noodles and red sauce. I think I saw some oil in the pantry." The alpha agrees instantly, though his eyes never leave Louis' ass. 

Louis smiles, knowing how hooked the alpha is after just one night together. He sways his hips a little more and steps a little harder so his ass will jiggle more than usual. He hears Harry groan to himself and smiles wider. 

Omega's have all the power. 

Louis turns to the drooling alpha, and pushes him away lightly, "Go sit on the stool and quit looking at me as if I'm a piece of meat. Thank you." 

Harry sulks, but listens to his mate. He spends the twenty minutes it takes Louis to cook, watching the younger man. He can't believe this beautiful creature has allowed the alpha to be his one and only. Harry smiles to himself and can feel his chest trembling and tightening with happiness. He brushes his fingers along the mark on his neck and can barely contain how ecstatic he is. 

Waves of pleasure run through his body at the mere thought of being with the beautiful omega for the rest of his life. He's not sure what he did in a previous life to deserve such an incredible person as his soul mate, but he'll never complain. Sure, the omega can be a bit of a hassle, what with his endless pranks and quick tongue, but Harry wouldn't change Louis for anything. 

"You know, people will think you're a bit crazy in the head if you keep smiling to yourself like that," Louis says, a smirk on his lips. Harry looks up from the counter where he hadn't realized he'd been staring, and locks eyes with his mate. They stare for a minute, the smile never leaving the alpha's face. 

"Come, cherub." Louis turns the stove on low before prancing over to Harry. Louis wraps his arms around his neck and smiles when he feels the alpha's arms wrap around his waist. "I love you so much, do you know that?"

Louis lets out a laugh, head thrown back, "Of course, you imbecile! I wouldn't have let you bite me if you didn't." They smile at one another, Harry's dimples more prominent than ever. Harry adores his mate's smile. The way his eyes twinkle and the skin that crinkles beside them. Harry's heart thunders in his chest, unsure how to explain to the boy before him, just how much he adores him. 

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