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Louis lays peacefully on the couch, waiting for Dana to get back from work when he hears the doorbell ring. He groans as he pushes himself up from his comfortable nest of soft blankets and Harry's pillow, and makes his way towards the front door. 

He stands on his tippy toes to see through the peephole and is happy to see his best friends standing on the porch. Louis is quick to open the door and is immediately attacked in hugs as his friends scream the lyrics to "Happy Birthday" in his ear. 

Louis lets out a laugh, and wraps his arms around his two friends, happy to finally have someone wishing him a happy birthday after spending the majority of the morning watching TV and trying not to look at his phone that (sadly) hasn't had any notifications, besides the text from Dana telling him she's taking him shopping later on that day when her shift ends. 

The two boys let go of their friend and rush him into the living room where they have him sit down and wait for them to grab his presents from beside the front door. "Aw Ni, Zayn you didn't have to get me anything."

Zayn rolls his eyes, "Yeah right, you loser. Of course we're gonna get you shit for your birthday, you're our best friend!"

Niall hollers in agreement, "Exactly! Quit telling us not to get you stuff!"

Louis huffs, but can't help the smile that makes his eyes crinkle, he loves his friends so so so much, and he truly doesn't know what he would do without them. Louis begins to open the presents, the first from Niall which consists of an apple gift-card and embarrassingly enough, a large pink dildo that has Louis blushing in mortification. "Aww look at little Lou blushing! No need to be shy, we all know you'll be using it during your next heat!" 

Louis groans and covers his face after hurriedly putting the dildo back in the bag it came from. The two friends continue to laugh at the birthday boy, only calming down when Louis begins to open the presents from Zayn, which luckily are not in the same category of crudeness as Niall's. Louis opens the first one which has a necklace chain, "I noticed the chain on the necklace from your mum is starting the rust, so I figured you could use a new one." Louis begins to tear up, quickly wrapping his arms around the taller boy's neck, and mumbling a quiet "thank you, Z."

The second little package has a CD in it, with a sloppy "happy bday here's my first album zayn xx" written in sharpie. Louis lets out an excited squeal, ready to play it but knowing that Zayn would prefer if he waited until he was alone. The three friends hang out for the next few hours, gossiping about Louis' relationship and stuff going on in their lives. 

It's not until a little after lunch time that Dana shows up, and the two friends end up joining the duo on their shopping trip to Times Square. They take the subway and end up in the center of the square. "Alright, lads, where to first?" Dana asks. 

Louis shrugs, before he spots his favorite tattoo shop and ends up dragging his friends by the wrists. "Hey, Lou! How are you, mate?" Louis' personal favorite artist, Erica asks. Louis smiles at the girl and answers. It isn't long after they walk in that Louis is sitting in the chair and Erica is prepping his arm for his new tattoo. 

Nearly an hour later, Erica is wrapping the tattoo in plastic wrap and, once Dana has paid at the register, the small group are on their way. "So why a compass, Lou?" Niall asks. 

Louis blushes and looks away, gaze falling on the knowing smile of his aunt. "Just um liked it?" He says uncertainly. He see's Dana begin to laugh and shoots her a playful glare. The two beta's clearly don't believe their friend, but both know they'll find out sooner than later. 

They all go into random shops for the next few hours until Louis looks at the time and realizes he needs to get home as soon as possible if he wants to be ready for when Harry picks him up for dinner. So they do, and it's less than half an hour later that Louis rushing through the door and up to his room where he strips and hops in the shower, even though the water is still freezing. 

By the time Harry is ringing the doorbell, Louis is hopping around his room trying to pull his pants up over his ass. He hears his aunt open the door and loud voices down the stairs as they catch up. Louis finally gets his pants buttoned and wastes no time in slipping on his vans, no socks. He rushes down the stairs after making sure he looks decent and runs straight into Harry's awaiting arms. 

Harry buries his face in his omega's neck and hums contently when his scent reaches the alpha's nose. Rose and Vanilla. His (now) favorite scent. Harry wishes he could bottle it up and make it into a candle so he can smell it any time. Maybe he should just mate his omega. No, we are courting. Keep it in your pants, jesus!

Louis pulls from the hug when he hears snickers from his two friends. The omega presses a kiss to his man's cheek before turning around in the alpha's hold to face the two beta's. "Guys, this is Harry, my alpha. Alpha, these are my best friends Zayn and Niall." Harry reaches forward to shake their hands, and says his name again, even though Louis just told them. Louis can't help but fond over it. 

"I'd love to stay and get to know my omega's friends, but we have reservations for 7 and it's already 6:45. But I suppose I'll see you all tonight? I know Lou mentioned something about his first legal night out at a club."

They all agree, and after quick hugs goodbye, the two are out the door and on their way to make their reservation. 


"Here's your food!" The waiter says as he sets the respective orders in front of the soon-to-be couple. They thank him quietly, and resume their conversation as they wait for their food to cool. 

"But yeah, so I have Lucy, but I feel like she's alone too much, you know? Poor kitten doesn't get all the cuddles she deserves," Harry says with a pout. 

Louis smiles sadly, "Well she won't be too alone much longer. Once we mate, I'll probably be other there, or in wherever we move to. I can give her all the cuddles and pets she desires!" Harry's pout turns into a dimpled smile, any thought of finally mating with his love makes his insides turn to mush, and this instance isn't any different. 

"I truly can't wait for that, my love." Harry takes Louis' hands in his over the table, "I think I want to take you out a few more times at least though. Let's say to make the decision in February, yeah? I think that's a good amount of time for us to get to know one another." 

Louis shyly looks at their intertwined hands, and thinks to himself, how in the world did I manage to snag an alpha this considerate and kind?  As Louis isn't paying attention, his sleeve falls towards his elbow. He hears Harry let out a gasp, and that's when Louis remembers he got a fucking matching tattoo, without asking if that would be acceptable. He tries to pull his arm away, but isn't quick enough when Harry's long fingers are wrapping around his wrist, holding him in place. 

"Omega, did you get this to match my ship?" Louis blushes under the piercing gaze of his alpha and looks down, a slight shake of his head indicating that yes he got a tattoo to compliment his alpha.  Harry lets out a laugh of disbelief. "My beautiful cherub, why would you do this? Is it a declaration of how much you like me, or because you liked the style?" he trails off. 

Louis scoffs, "Like you alpha? More like love you! I want to get more but I thought the compass would be nice, cause in a way you're the ship to my compass, guiding me through everything so far." Louis rolls his eyes at himself, "Jesus I'm so cheesy! What I mean is, I really love you, Harry. And it's just a tattoo, but I kind of think of it as your mark since you won't be marking me for a while." 

All that's heard is the screech of the chair, and then arms are engulfing Louis and squeezing him tight to a firm chest. "I love you so much already, cherub. I can't imagine how much I'll love you when we mate in February. I know the Moon Goddess destined us for one another, but I'd like to think we would find each other in every other dimension of space and time as well." 

They hug for a moment or two more, before Harry is pecking his omega's lips and then making his way back to his own seat. The two stare into one another's eyes as they eat, completely entranced. Not long after Harry pays, and they're out the door, on their way to the club to officially celebrate the now 21 year old's birthday. 


Heyy! Thank you for reading! Dunno if I'll include the club scene (lemme know if you want it, or if you wanna go straight to Christmas, i've hit a dilemma lol). 

Anywayy, let me know what you think! Vote, comment, share with ya friends! :) 

All my love, 


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