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"How's your food, love?" Louis asks.

Harry smiles, looking up from his plate of food to gaze at the man sitting across from him. "It's very good, cherub. Thank you for bringing me here."

Louis smiles wide, eyes fluttering to his own plate as he feels the heat fill is body. They sit for a few minutes, listening to the quiet chattering throughout the room. Couples of all shapes and identities spread around, filling the space with a sense of acceptance and love.

"You're welcome," Louis hums. It doesn't take long for them to finish their food, and even less time for their waiter to bring the check, that of which Louis insists on paying even though Harry puts up quite a good fight. Louis wins, and before Harry knows it, they're back in the car and on their way to yet another unknown (to him) destination.

They listen to the songs that come on the radio, and enjoy the car ride together. Louis feels as if all they do is smile at one another and sit in silence, but there's something about the alpha that gives him a sense of peace throughout his entire being. So much, to the point where he doesn't feel the need to fill the silence around them, no matter the setting. He only hopes the gorgeous alpha feels the same and isn't depending on the younger male to make a conversational move.

It takes less than fifteen minutes for the soon-to-be-but-basically-already-are couple to reach the designated bar. They both climb out of the tall car, and meet in front of it where they join hands before walking into the unnamed bar, light blushes on their cheeks (that of which they both plan to blame on the chilling winds of NYC winter).


"The birthday boy has arrived!" someone yells when the two make it to the table Louis had previously reserved. Sitting around the large booth are the people closest to Harry. His best mates Liam and Max, both of whom Louis only spoke with over the phone and Liam's girlfriend Cheryl. Louis realizes upon shaking their hands and being introduced that Liam is indeed an alpha, and surprisingly enough, Max is an omega. Louis tries not to be jealous, so he only smiles and offers to get the next round of drinks in celebration of his mate.

Other than Harry's best mates there's also Gemma, another doctor that Dana said was fairly close with Harry, and of course Niall. Zayn is supposedly on his way according to the text Louis received a few minutes after arriving. Louis admires Harry as he speaks enthusiastically with his best friends, one hand always absentmindedly touching Louis.

Zayn arrives after everyone has already had a couple drinks. He walks in looking like the Pakistani god-like creature that he is. Dressed in simple black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt, quaffed hair looking as elegant as the way the man carries himself. Louis is the first to greet him, "You know Zayn, if I hadn't already found my soulmate, I'd invite you to bed right now." Everyone laughs but Harry, who finds himself possessively holding the omega to his chest and lifting him onto his own lap.

"Lou, you know we aren't compatible! If anything I need another beta or maybe a-" he stops himself when he makes eye contact with a man he's never seen before. Light brown hair, face full of stubble and deep brown eyes that shake him to his core. It doesn't take but a moment for Liam to push his way to his feet and stumble right in front of the boy.

Louis can't tell what's happening but he thinks he has an idea when he sees the distraught look on Cheryl's face. He doesn't know what to do, as he doesn't want to intrude and they look like they're having a pretty serious conversation.

Zayn gives a dazed "Happy birthday, mate" to Harry before the three of them leave the bar.

"Well that was eventful. Let's get smashed!" Niall says, breaking the awkward silence while motioning for a waiter. They all clink their drinks before taking large gulps, minds focused on getting completely smashed.

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