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Louis stares in awe of the man he's lucky enough to call his mate. They're a room apart, yet it feels like light-years. The omega stands on wobbly feet as he sees his alpha making his way to him in confident strides. The world seems to fade away as the alpha stands directly in front of Louis, toe to toe, eye to eye. 

"What is your name, omega?" the deep timbre of his voice vibrates in Louis' chest, blood pooling in his cheeks as he barely manages to choke his own name out. 

"Louis William Tomlinson."

The Alpha stands tall, short curly hair styled beautifully, light green eyes boring into Louis' own blue ones. The omega glances over the man's body, seeing a loose white tee shirt and light khaki slacks paired with a blue bandanna wrapped around his neck and brown loafers on his large feet. 

In Louis' still slightly drunken state, he begins to giggle. He looks up, meeting his alpha's curious gaze. "What is it, cherub?" 

Louis smiles wide, eyes crinkling, "My alpha dresses like an old man already!" At that the alpha smiles, revealing deep dimples, letting out a loud cackle. 

The alpha looks back at his beautiful omega, Louis, and introduces himself. "My name is Harry Edward Styles, cherub. And you are the most beautiful omega I have every laid my eyes on, and don't think that's just because the Moon Goddess declared us perfect mates." Louis blushes, eyes wide as he stares at his alpha in awe. 

He mumbles out a quiet "thank you, Harry." 

Their moment is interrupted by a loud round of applause and whoops of laughter. Louis breaks eye contact and looks around, suddenly aware that not only did his aunt witness him meeting his soulmate, but her friends as well. He covers his face with his hands in embarrassment, and collapses back on the couch where he was seated before. 

Harry sits beside the small boy, making sure their thighs were touching. It was only then, he took his eyes away from his mate, making sure he greets everyone with a small smile and a handshake. Dana claps, gaining the attention of everyone in the room. 

"Now that Harry is here, we can officially start the party! Before we do, congrats Louis and Harry on finding your mates, especially you Harry, I know how badly you've wanted this. And Louis, my dear, your mum would be so happy for you, and you know i'm excited for you to start your life with this wonderful alpha." Louis looks at her with tears in his eyes, yet a smile on his lips. 

Dana continues, "Now Harry, do you need food? We have some vegetable soup left for you, and of course an array of choices in alcoholic beverages." 

Harry smiles, "Yeah, I'll take some soup, Dana. Maybe just a glass or two of your Merlot, too." He stands, meaning to follow Dana into the kitchen, but gets distracted when the tiny omega goes to stand as well, nearly falling over due to being intoxicated. 

Loud giggles escape Louis' lips as the alpha steadies him with hands on his shoulders. "Louis," man does Louis love how his name sounds in his alpha's deep voice, "why don't you sit here, and I'll be right back, yes?" 

Louis pouts, looking up the older man, "No, wanna come with. Need water, please." Harry smiles, holding out his hand for the omega to hold. He happily leads them into the kitchen, eyes turning back every few steps to make sure the drunk boy was staying upright. The omega keens when Harry brings their hands to his lips, leaving a soft kiss on his knuckle. 

Dana smiles as she sees the soon-to-be couple make their way into the kitchen. Harry carefully places Louis onto the counter, turning to Dana and asking where the water was. She goes ahead and grabs a bottle from the fridge, handing it to the large alpha, allowing him to help Louis drink it. 

Once Louis has finished his water, Harry helps him down from the counter before grabbing his bowl of soup and glass of wine. Louis grabs onto the back of Harry's shirt, already craving his alpha's heat and attention. 


They sit on the couch, thighs and shoulders touching, for hours, slowly gravitating to the floor as the board games progress, becoming more competitive. Eventually Scrabble is brought out and Harry smiles wide, moving to sit on the floor completely so he can be closer to the board. The half asleep omega lets out a whine, frustrated that he no longer has the warmth of his alpha lulling him to sleep. 

Harry turns around, picking Louis up by the waist and planting him on his lap, allowing the omega to straddle him and rest his head on his shoulder. Louis immediately begins scenting his mate, nose buried in Harry's neck, right against his scent glad. 

Deep rumbles of happiness vibrate in Harry's chest, making the omega hum in content, wrapping his arms tighter around the alpha's shoulders. The alpha keeps around arm around Louis' waist the entire night, using his other to play the games and bring the wine glass to his cherry lips. 

Harry finds himself keeping his nose behind his sleeping mate's ear, inhaling the sweet aroma of vanilla and rose that his alpha craves. Their hearts beat in sync as the night drags on, and as Dana puts in a movie for the friends to watch, Harry dozes off. His omega safe in his arm, and the warmth of the alcohol running through his veins, making it one of the best sleeps he's had in a long time. 


A/N: Hope that was a good meeting! Let me know what you all think! Thank you for reading my first fanfic, and I hope you enjoyed it!  IF you did, leave a vote, a comment, and maybe share with a friend? :)

Lots of Love! 


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