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The next week and a half leading up to Christmas, Louis and Harry text nonstop, even squeezing in a few phone calls. Harry is quite busy at the hospital, though he stops whenever he can just to hear his omega's sweet voice through the small speaker.

Louis on the other hand, is extremely bored. There's only so much time you can hang out with your best friend's before it becomes too much. Well, at least that's how it is for Louis.

It's around noon the last Friday before Christmas and Louis' birthday when there's a knock on the door. Niall, Louis' best friend, jumps from where he's sitting in a chair, calling out a "I'll get it!" Louis shrugs, relaxing into his cocoon of blankets he brought down to the living room, so he could properly enjoy their millionth movie marathon.

Louis hears footsteps coming back into the living room, "Hey, Lou? Uh someone is here to see you I think." Niall sounds unsure, making Louis feel uneasy seeing as the beta is always pretty calm. Louis peaks his head out from his blankets, and see's Niall standing there awkwardly. Louis slowly stands up, and walks towards the front door slowly, and stands on his tippy toes to look through the peep hole.

A grin makes it's way to his lips as he rips the door open and launches himself into Harry's awaiting arms. Harry lets out a laugh at his omega's childish actions, but embraces him nonetheless. "Hello, cherub."

Louis hums, breathing in the alpha's scent before answering, "Hi alpha, what are you doing here? i thought you had work today?"

Harry presses a kiss to the small boy's cheek, and begins maneuvering them through the door towards the living room where he can hear the television playing. "Well, cherub, I got off early as i had to go in for an emergency with one of my little patients early this morning. Thought we could go on our first date if you're not busy. But I see you have your friend over, so we can reschedule."

Louis shakes his head frantically, tightening his arms around the taller man, "No no no, Niall can leave, and then we can do what you have planned!" Louis gives Niall a deathly glare when the fake blonde starts to protest. Niall immediately shuts up and begins putting his shoes on. 

Harry laughs quietly when he see's Niall quickly hug Louis and run out the door without so much as a glance in the tall alpha's way. "What was that about cherub? Kicking your friend out like that wasn't very nice," the alpha tuts. Louis looks up at him with wide eyes as the man continues his reprimand, "and don't think I didn't see that angry little kitten glare. So mean to your friends! Just to hang out with an alpha you just met."

Louis lets out a gasp, lightly smacking Harry's stomach, "You are not just an alpha! You're my alpha. There's a difference. And Niall knows I love him." 

Harry hums, a smile making it's way to his chapped lips, "That's right, sweet boy. Your alpha, and you're my omega, yes?" 

Louis smiles, eyes crinkling, "Yours." 

Harry places a sweet kiss to his omega's cheek, before telling the boy to get dressed in something warm, tall warm socks on the top of his list of importance. Louis doesn't question it much, just doing as the alpha says. 


Louis lets out a squeal when he see's where Harry is pulling the car into. An outdoor skating rink filled with giggling children and happy couples wobbly skating across the smoothed ice. Harry smiles contently watching the smaller man jump in his seat in excitement. 

"How did you know I've been wanting to come here?!" 

Harry smiles sheepishly, "I may have asked Dana where I should take you for our date?" Louis grins, squishing the other man in a tight hug, showing his thanks without words.

They rush out of the car...well Louis does, while Harry follows behind happily. They make quick work of getting their skates and getting onto the ice. Louis glides along happily, grabbing Harry's hand every once in a while, making them both smile shyly. 

After a few laps, Louis begins to get cold despite the many layers of clothing Harry had him wear. Harry pulls Louis off of the ice and sits him on a bench while he buys them some hot chocolate. Louis cheers when he see's the taller man carefully walking towards him, balancing the hot chocolate in his hands. 

It seems to happen in slow motion. A small child runs by the tall alpha, the small gust of wind making him get off balance. Before either of them know it, Harry's falling on his ass, the hot chocolate spilling everywhere. 

"Harry! Are you okay?!" 

Harry curses quietly as Louis rushes to his side, carefully picking up the cups and dumping them in the trash before attempting to help Harry up from the floor. After a few tries, they're both standing, and a worker has appeared to clean the mess. Harry pouts as they return their skates and quietly make their way to the car. 

Louis begins giggling when he realizes just how covered the alpha is. Hot chocolate seems to be seeping into the mans jeans making him walk funny, which only makes Louis giggle that much more. Harry turns to look at the boy and scowls when he becomes aware of what the little omega is laughing at. 

"It's not funny you meanie!"

The omega covers his mouth with his hand when he lets out an ugly squawk. Harry tries to cover his fondness by scrunching his nose but it doesn't work very well. They finally make it to the car, and Harry opens up Louis' door for him. The small omega lets out a quiet "thank you." 

"Alright my dearest omega, we are going to make a pit stop to my apartment so i can change out of these clothes, then we will go to our next destination. Sound ok?" 

Louis nods in delight, excited to see the older man's apartment. His nest. 

After a few turns and a bit of traffic, they pull into the parking lot in front of a tall apartment building. Harry gets out, motioning for Louis to follow. They make their way inside and into an elevator. "Louis, press floor 14 please." He does, seeing as he's standing by the buttons, before joining the tall alpha, careful not to touch where the hot chocolate is, but feeling the need to be as close as possible. 

The elevator dings on level 14, and Louis follows the alpha down the hallway to the door on the left. He opens the door with his key and leads them inside. It's cozy inside, tan walls and dark colored furniture, interesting paintings on the walls and many potted plants. 

Louis' wondering eyes are cut off when something rubs against his legs. He looks down to see a tiny black kitten staring back up at him. He immediately coos and bends down to be eye level with the tiny ball of fur, eyes gleaming in delight. 

Harry watches happily as his boy interacts with the cat, loving how gentle the omega is as he tries not to scare the animal away. "Her name is um Lucy, it's short for Lucifurr but like spelled L-U-C-I-F-U-R-R cause like she's really furry and it's like a pun that my sister came up with and-" 

Louis cuts him off, "You're rambling, Hazzy!" Harry blushes at both his habit of rambling when nervous and the cute nickname his omega has given him. He has a nickname! "Hazzy?" Harry focuses on the boy, eyes wide and cheeks still burning. "Why don't you change out of those clothes, I bet they're getting sticky and gross by now." Harry nods, in a bit of a daze. 

The fact that his Louis is in his nest is driving him wild. Add how cute and precious his cherub is, and Harry is just about ready to grab the boy and bring him into his room. Instead, Harry grabs new clothes and hops in the shower to rinse himself of the now cold liquid. 

It doesn't take long for Harry to make his way back into the large living room, where he finds his cherub cuddling little Lucy and humming softly to himself with his eyes closed. Harry quietly makes his way to the end of the couch where the boy's head is, and kisses him on the forehead. Louis smiles, eyes opening to meet with green. 

"Ready to go?"

"Yep, let's go baby boy."


Helllooo!! Hope you liked the chapter! A bit longer than my previous ones, but this is about the length I want them all to be. Let me know what you guys thought! vote, comment, share with ya friends! :)))

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