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Louis lays in bed, eyes shut but not asleep. He can't sleep, no matter what he tries. But he also doesn't want to get out of bed, so he just lays there. The last few weeks have been relatively uneventful. The new semester started, consuming the majority of the omega's time.

Harry visits every chance he gets, which honestly isn't much. Their schedules don't align much, so within the three weeks since New Years, they've only physically seen each other about three times, though they speak on the phone every chance they get. 

Louis huffs, and heaves himself off the bed in frustration. His warm feet hit the cold floor making him cringe. Louis sighs and grabs his phone from the night stand. Against his better judgement, he dials Harry's number, though he knows the man is at work and possibly with a patient. To his surprise the man answers the phone, "Hello, cherub."

Louis smiles, "Hi, Hazzy, sorry to bother you. I know you're at work."

"What's wrong, dove? Why are you awake at," he pauses, "two in the morning?" 

"Couldn't sleep. Are you on break or something?"

"I'm actually going on break in about twenty minutes. You caught me doing some paperwork."

Louis hums in acknowledgment, "Are you hungry or something? I could bring you something to eat. Or just grace you with my presence. I really miss you." 

Harry smiles to himself, "I miss you too, cherub. I'd love for you to come and visit me. I'm not really hungry, but you can bring something if you would like. I'm sure I'll get hungry within the next couple hours." Louis hums. They wish each other goodbyes, and hang up. 

Louis tip toes to his closet and grabs a hoodie and some joggers. He changes quickly, makes sure he has his phone and wallet before tip toeing down the stairs and to the front door. He rushes to put his shoes on, and is out the door in record time. 


Walking into the hospital so early (or late depending how you look at it) is like walking into a different dimension. The lights seem exceptionally bright and the chemical smells seem overpowering to the omega's sensitive nose. Louis follows the familiar path to his aunt's office, knowing that she shares it with Harry. It feels like forever by the time Louis makes it to where the alpha is, and when he opens the door, he's met with a beautiful sight. Harry is sitting in his swivel chair, asleep with his head resting on his crossed arms, reading glasses sitting on his nose. Louis can't help but coo at how absolutely adorable his alpha is. 

Harry jerks awake when he hears the door close, but immediately relaxes and smiles when he sees who is in his office. Louis walks over to the man and plops himself in the alpha's lap once he's sitting up right. Harry naturally wraps his arms around the lithe body and hums in satisfaction. Without much thought, he pushes his nose into the omega's neck and sighs in content. They both relax and sit in silence, drinking each other in. That seems to be all they do as of late, the lack of interactions between them making their wolves long for their soulmates. 

It's not until Louis feels Harry's body sag even more that he pulls away, only to startle the man awake, once again. "Hazzy, why don't we lay down for a few minutes, yeah?" Louis says pointing to the small couch on the other side of the office. Harry hums, not bothering to push Louis away; he just picks the smaller man up eliciting a squeal from the omega who clings to the alpha, Harry only laughs in response. 

Harry lays down and allows Louis to get comfortable on top of him. The couch is only a love-seat, so Harry's legs hang off the other arm and Louis' are draped over the alpha's thighs. "My birthday is coming up soon, gonna be so old," Harry tiredly mumbles, face digging into Louis' hair. 

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